Part 33

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"Shut the fuck up" yelled Renjun, as he and the others were in the living room "i'm sorry but we are trying to watch UP"

"Guys" begged Jaemin, running into the living room "I need help"

"What's wrong Jaem?" asked Yangyang, turning to Jaemin "did Nana run away again?"

"Yeah, why did you bring your whole wardrobe here?" asked Chenle "its just a date"

"Just a date?!" exclaimed Jaemin "it is not just a date! its a date with the two cutest guys who I have had a crush on for like a long time"

"I need to look pretty but also be comfortable"

"Ok calm down" said Renjun, pausing the film "we will help you"

"Thank you" cried Jaemin, "thank you guys so much. I love youuu"

"Alright Jaemin" sighed Chenle "we're just helping you, not letting you adopt more cats"

"I will convince you sooner or later" said Jaemin, as they walked into Jaemin and Yangyang's room "you will love cats"

"Let's just get you sorted"



"Someone's at the door!!"

"I'm doing Jaemin's makeup" called Chenle, "you get the door"

"I'm doing Jaemin's hair" called Renjun "I can't get it"

"Yangyang get the door"

"I can't either" said Yangyang, as he leaned against the door "I'm recording this whole thing"

"Wait why?" asked Jaemin, looking at Yangyang "you're not going to follow us on the date, are you?"

"Oh no the others told me not to" said Yangyang "I'm just recording it so I can show the others"

"At least you didn't get me falling off the chair" said Jaemin "that would have been really embarrassing"

"I got everything" said Yangyang "even the chair bit"

"What?!" yelled Jaemin "please delete it"

"Sorry Minnie but no" said Yangyang "now please answer the door"

"He can't!" exclaimed Renjun and Chenle "you open the door"

"Fine" said Yangyang, glaring at the two "but I will follow them on the date"



"You look really pretty Minnie" Marknomin was walking along as the sky was lighting up the street. Jaemin was in the middle of the two, their hands were connected, swinging a little.

"Thank you" said Jaemin, his cheeks turning red "you both look pretty too"

"I'm so glad we're doing this" sighed Jeno, a big smile on his face "who'd ever thought this would happen?"

"Well at your rate, it would have taken over twenty years" The three turned around, only to see their friends standing there with popcorn.

"You seriously followed us?" asked Jaemin "I thought it was a joke"

"It was" said Yangyang "and those two threatened me to not but I wanted to annoy them so I ignored them"

"And the others?" asked Mark, raising an eyebrow at his friends "what's their story?"

"We wanted to come too" said Renjun "and also because Yangyang said he would pay for everything"

"Great" said Jeno "thanks for paying for the rest of our date"

"Wait no I'm not paying for yo- well I guess I am now"

"Let's go to the cinema!" yelled Chenle, grabbing Jisung's hand "don't worry, we'll leave you love birds alone"

"I did not except this at all" chuckled Renjun, as he watched his friends run ahead "and I feel bad"

"Hey, at least they're on a date" said Haechan "and I will make sure their date won't be interupted anymore"

"You're so cute"

"You're cuter junnie"


"Hey, stop fucking flirting!" yelled Chenle "this is not your date so move your ass so Marknomin can continue theirs!"


Neighbours | RenhyuckOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora