Act 1, Scene 3

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Nothing. Whoever it was knocking is long gone. You peek out to see if anyone is around, but don't see anything other than the moon-lit forest and those two joggers in the distance. Seriously? Jogging at night, who does that? You shake your head and close the door. You lock it up and turn back to your bed. As you start to walk back, you hear the crinkling of paper underneath your feet. A letter slipped under the door? For Rosie?

It's not sealed inside an envelope; it's just a folded piece of parchment.

You haven't heard Rosie, so you assume that she's still sleeping like a log. A quick look won't hurt. You think to yourself. You unfold the parchment and read the letter.

 Dear Rosie,


 I figured that you wouldn't be up this late at night, but I really wanted to see you as soon as I got back into town! I'm moving back to Sanctuary after a year of being away! I was hoping to spend the night at your place, but I guess that'll wait until tomorrow. In the meantime, I'll stay at the train station. Come meet me there as soon as you get this! Can't wait to catch up with you!


 Your friend,



Ai, huh? You don't know who she is, or what kind of animal she is, but she seems to be really close to Rosie. You fold up the letter again and leave it at the door. It's better if Rosie tells you about Ai on her own.

It hasn't even been a day since you've moved to Sanctuary and already you've made a close friend. You go back to bed hopeful for your future. Life is going to be much better here, I just know it! You close your eyes and let sleep creep back over you...

  A man in a suit walks up to you. "Are you sure you want to go through with this?"

  You nod. "I don't have much of a choice, do I?"

  The man frowns "You're wrong... You always have a choice. Look deep inside yourself, Slick, and you'll figure out what you should be doing."

  "Slick...? " The man turns around and starts to walk away. "Hey wait! Come-" Darkness envelops your vision.


  A woman behind you calls out your name. "Come on Slick, who are you kidding? You won't leave me behind."

  You roll over in bed to face her. "I'm sorry, do I know you?" You get out of bed, put your clothes on, and leave the room. "I'm not who you think I am..." The room fades out to white.


 A different woman appears in front of you... A human. "You ready to go, Lance? I'm not gonna wait forever, silly!" Silly? "... Rosie?" The woman pushes you lightly and laughs, you can't make out her face.

"Noooo. I'm not Rosie, Lance! What gave you that idea? Rosie's waiting! Hurry up! We're gonna-"


There's a knock at the door again. What the hell is going on? You look at the clock and see that it's only 5 AM. Whatever it is, I'm sure it can wait. Can't the world just let us sleep? You also wonder about those dreams you had... Must have been all the caffeine...

Animal Crossing: Stolen MemoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora