Act 3 (Part 2), Scene 5

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When you arrive at the train station it is around 6 PM. The bell chimes as the hands on the clock move into position. Everything has a slight orange glow because of the sunset. As you walk inside the station, you see that it's completely empty, just like it was when you arrived a little over four days ago. Nothing, huh? You frown. "Seems awfully normal to me."

"That's the problem." Rover says, scratching his chin. "Let's see if anyone is around." He walks towards the counter, where there is a faint light. You follow him, and see a monkey sitting behind a glass pane. "Hello there, Porter!"

Porter smiles widely. I doubt poor Porter gets to see many people throughout the day. You think to yourself as you look around the deserted station. "Good evening, Rover!" His voice crackles through a speaker. He then looks over Rover's shoulder and spots you. "And hello there, Ai!"

"Hi Porter, how are you doing?" You smile back and wave in response as you walk up next to Rover. You never talked to Porter too often, but he was a nice enough guy.

"I'm doing well!" He says cheerfully. "So, what can I do for you two this evening?"

"We were wondering about all of our neighbors that have been leaving every day." Rover answers. "Can you tell us where they've been going?"

"I can't say what their final destinations are, but any trains leaving Sanctuary must go to the City because of construction. But even without the construction, most people traveled to the City... Right, Ai?"

"Right..." It's not like there were too many places to go to, anyways. The City was the most lively place within a good fifty mile radius.

"So that's it? Everyone has just gone on to the City from here?" Rover asks. He doesn't seem too impressed with this explanation.

"That's right! I can't say for sure that they're all are staying in the City, though. There are a bunch of places further beyond there, too!" Rover sighs. It's obvious you're not going to get too much out of Porter.

"Thanks anyways, Porter. We've just been a bit curious about why so many people have been leaving Sanctuary. It seems a bit strange, doesn't it?"

"It does! I wouldn't have expected there to be so many leaving in such a short amount of time! It's like there's one person leaving every day!" Porter screeches. "I'm sure they all thought that they had better places to be."

Or maybe they're just in a better place altogether... You think grimly as you look over to Rover. "Should we look around the station more?" You whisper.

"Yeah, we should." He whispers back before returning to his normal voice. "Do you mind if we have a look around?"

Porter looks slightly puzzled. "For what?" He laughs. "It doesn't matter, feel free to look around." He frowns. "It's not too often people come here and actually stick around, you know?"

"Don't worry, we won't be going anywhere anytime soon." You say with a smile, which Porter returns.

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