Act 2, Scene 6

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*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

You're rudely awakened around 4 AM by someone at the door. Seriously? Why now? Can't people just leave me alone?!?

Again, you groan and roll out of bed, sluggishly moving to the door. When you unlock and open it, you see Copper.

"Son, I'm sorry to intrude like this again, but we have to bring you in for a few more questions..." he says.


Once at the Police Station, Copper sits you down. "Can't this ever happen during the day? You know... When I'm not sleeping?" you ask him grumpily.

Copper sighs, slaps down a folder onto the table, and pulls out his chair to sit across from you. "Unfortunately, no. We don't want to cause any alarm for other residents, so we prefer to do most of the investigating and all during the night."

Well that's kind of dumb, but whatever... "What did you have to ask me?" You then look around. "Wasn't there supposed to be a fortune teller or something to search for ghosts?"

"Katrina had some other business and cancelled on us. Something about angry spirits and a magic lamp in Terra." He shrugs his shoulders. "Apparently it was too important to hold off." He shuffles through the folder. "Getting to the point, though, what I wanted to ask you about was—"

The door bursts open behind you. You turn around and see Rover, soaking wet with a large bag over his shoulder. It's not raining outside, so why is he drenched? "Copper, I've found another!" he says, panting heavily. Another?!?

Copper gets up from his chair. "Where?"

"In the river!" He stops talking and catches his breath before continuing. "I tried to recover the body, but it was under some heavy exercise equipment. By the time I managed to get the equipment off of it, there—" he looks down. "There wasn't really anything left to identify the body with... I'm sorry." He gently places the bag on the floor. "I was hoping you'd be able to run some tests for me."

Copper nods. "I'll get on it right away. In the meantime..." He turns to you. "You're free to go for now. I have to deal with this. Just be sure to keep an open eye and ear for anything suspicious."

You leave the Police Station and go home to sleep. No point in hanging around any longer than you need to.


The next morning you wake up, still a little tired, but functional.

You get ready and leave your house. Hmmm... Where to go today? You realize how, aside from your daily trips to The Roost and the Police Station, your day lacks a routine. I should check in with Kapp'n soon and see what work he has for me. You start heading to the docks to check, but decide against it. You feel like going around to visit people instead.

You head in the direction of Kid Cat's house. You feel bad for just completely ignoring him and Rosie yesterday. Hopefully he's home and not out being... himself. You laugh at your little joke. Oh, I'm a horrible person, aren't I? Kid Cat's a cool guy, just a bit quirky like Rosie. There's nothing wrong with that.

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