Act 3 (Part 2), Scene 1

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You ignore the note for now, and dismiss it as a prank again. It's too much hassle to deal with right now, especially with this trip only a few hours away! You yawn and feel your eyes become heavy. A full day of being out of the house is finally taking its toll.

You continue walking home and, after a quick double-check on your bags, get into bed. As you close your eyes, you can't help but be amazed at how much has happened since you moved to Sanctuary. It's hard to believe it's only been five days since I moved to Sanctuary! In that time you made friends with Rosie, Gaston, Kid Cat, and Walker, investigated murders with Rover, drank a few cups of coffee too many at The Roost, met Sprocket the cyborg ostrich, started going out with Ai, and now you're going on a two month fishing trip with Kapp'n!

And then there was the time when— Your head starts to hurt as you think back to the man you saw at the museum a few days back.

 An adult human. Pale skin. Jet black hair. Lifeless eyes. Long black trench coat.

"Who- was that?" You ask yourself. Your mind is filled with questions as you drift into deep sleep...


You wake up to the sound of your alarm clock the next morning. You grumble as you reach over and turn off the alarm. 7 AM, huh? Why does it have to be so early? You think to yourself bitterly. But you figure it can't be helped, so you drag yourself out of bed and walk out of your house.

You begin to walk towards the docks when you realize you left your bag inside the house! Am I really that tired? You ask yourself as you slap your face briskly to wake yourself up. You go back inside and pick up your bag. You take one last look at the inside of your house; you won't be seeing it for two whole months! You sigh and close the door, locking it before heading to the docks.

The walk to the docks is a short one from your house. As you get closer, you see a small crowd through the morning fog near the docks. I wonder what's going on... As you get closer, the figures become clear and they are all familiar faces. You recognize Rosie, Rover, Gaston and Ai, all standing next to Kapp'n's boat, waiting for you.

You smile. It's nice of all of them to be out here so early! You wonder if you'd do the same for any of them. This early? Ugh... You think how hard it was to get out of bed for your job! Nah, I'd totally be there to see one of them off if they were leaving! You decide. That's what friends are for, right? You wave at the crowd as you get closer.

Rosie is the first to notice you, and she immediately starts jumping up and down and waving her arms as high up in the air as possible. "Look, it's Lance!" you hear her call out. Once you're close enough, she puts her hands firmly on her hips. "What took you so long, silly? We've all been here for almost 20 minutes waiting for you!"

You laugh. "I don't think we ever agreed on a specific time to meet, Rosie! I didn't expect you all to be here either!" You turn your head to look at everyone.

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