Act 3, Scene 4

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You start walking towards the Police Station. "Well... I guess we should get going. Rover sounded pretty panicked on the phone before..." You tell Ai. She nods and follows behind you.

You walk with her for a minute or so, before you start thinking about what you're getting Ai into. Finally, your thoughts leak out into words. "Are you sure about this?" you ask her.

Ai looks at you, confused. "Am I sure about what? Coming with you to the Police Station?"

You shake your head. "No, I mean... What if there's been another murder? Doesn't that scare you, even a little bit?"

Her eyes widen with shock. You can only guess that she hadn't fully thought it through. But her shock only shows for a brief moment, and then Ai manages to calm herself. "I understand... And I want to help, somehow... I want to make sure you're okay too!"

You laugh. "All right. I just wanted to be sure." I should probably let Rover know we're on our way... You pull out your phone and call Rover.

He picks up after a few rings. "Hello? Lance? Where are you now?"

"Hey, Rover. We're on our way to the Station right now. How far are you from there?"

"I should be there in a few minutes. Carrying this body is really slowing me-" He stops mid-sentence. "Wait, what do you mean, 'we'?!? Lance, don't tell me you're bringing Ai too!" His voice starts becoming more panicked again.

"Yeah, I am," you reply calmly. "She already knows about the murders, and she was pretty persistent about coming along with me... That shouldn't be a problem, right?"

"Lance, there's not really a problem, but we did want to keep this between as few people as possible! And plus," Rover sighs. "Look, I didn't want to have to spring this on you, but..." The heaviness of his tone makes you feel uneasy. "I'm almost certain the victim tonight was Rosie."

No... There's no way it could be- "What are you talking about?! Are you sure?" you ask Rover, trying to be as calm as possible for Ai.

"I couldn't get a clear look at the body in the dark, but it was definitely a cat, and..." You think you hear Rover's voice starting to choke up. "She's wearing the bracelet I gave her." He sighs. "I don't know what to think right now."

You look over at Ai nervously. What will she think when she hears this? You'd rather not think about that right now... "It's okay, I'll be there as soon as possible, and we can try to figure this out together." You say the last part quietly, so Ai can't hear. You hang up the phone and turn to her.

"Everything alright, Lance?" Ai asks.

You shake your head. "No..." You sigh and look down, avoiding eye contact. You knew you had to tell Ai sooner or later, but you feel very nervous about telling her the truth.

"What is it?" Ai asks nervously. "What happened?"

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