Act 3, Scene 3

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You continue navigating through the forest and try to get to the Police Station as soon as possible. I wonder if Rover is already there. When he was leaving earlier, it didn't seem like he was headed in the direction of the Police Station. Maybe he was going back to his home? Now that you think of it, you haven't really seen Rover's house. You can't help but wonder where he lives...

Your train of thought is interrupted by the sight of a shadow moving through the trees ahead. You stop walking and keep your eyes fixed on the shadow, trying to follow its movements in the dark of the night. When you can no longer see it, you cautiously move forward to see where it went.

You poke your head out from behind a tree and see that the shadow is a woman, or at least that what it seems like. She gets down on one knee, and crouches over something.. It looks like she has a basket with her. She opens it up and pulls out something that you can't see too clearly. It's kind of late for a picnic, isn't it? At least, that's what it looks like she's doing. She seems a little suspicious, just sitting alone outside so late at night.

You feel as though running away from this would be a terrible decision. You might be able to put an end to the murder case right here and now. On the other hand, you're completely unarmed. Fighting back would be out of the question if it ever were to come to that.

You approach the woman with caution. She doesn't appear to notice you at first, but she starts to sense your presence as you move closer and closer to her. She quickly jerks her head around to face you, and your eyes meet. She jumps back.

"Lance?!" she cries, quickly recovering from the shock. "You had me terrified for a second there!" Ai pauses for a second, processing the situation. "What are you doing out here so late? You do know that you're supposed to get up really early tomorrow. Right?"

"I should be asking the same thing!" you reply. "Weren't you going to bed too?" Her eyes widen with surprise, but then she calms herself. A smile forms on her face.

"Oh!" she begins with a slight chuckle. "I was just on my way to Gaston's. I was going to deliver a pie I baked to Gaston. It's cherry. I had made one for you too, but I was going to give it to you before you left..."

"But why this late?" you can't help but ask. "You could have just waited until tomorrow to deliver the pie."

"Well..." She turns her head away from you, as if she were trying to hide something. But then she shakes herself. "Hey!" She snaps back. "Don't try to take this off of you! What are you doing out so late?"

You sigh. She really won't let me go that easily... She definitely is hiding something, but you know you can get it out of her until you tell her something. You rack your brain for a good cover story.

Unfortunately, you can't seem to come up with a believable story. If I had more time, maybe, but not right now... I guess the only way out is the truth.

You begin to tell Ai about how you ran into Booker earlier, and how he wanted you to come the Police Station. At first, she looks confused, but then you go back a little further and tell her about the murders that have been happening almost every night. You don't go into full detail about all the victims, though. Telling her about Kid Cat right now would just make things worse.

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