Act 1, Scene 6

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After leaving Nookington's you decide that you don't need to rush to The Roost. It's fairly nice weather, and you decide to walk around and sort out your thoughts.

Ai... I hope she likes me. She's probably the only human I'll meet here! My only chance to settle down for once... And then there's Rosie... She's the first person you met in Sanctuary (your first friend) and you can't help but feel attached to her. I don't know what to think...

After a while of walking, you hear a rumble overhead. In your thoughts, you didn't notice the clouds darkening! You run over to the Museum as you're blinded by a flash, followed by a clap of thunder hitting your ears. I better get inside. You open the door to the museum and run in. It's completely dark. The power must have gone out with that last bit of lightning.

"Hello there... Lance..." a voice says behind you. "Or should I call you Slick?"

You decide to confront this voice in a calm way. No good could come out of attacking them upfront. You slowly turn around to see the source.

To your surprise, it's another human.

An adult human. Pale skin. Jet black hair. Lifeless eyes. Long black trench coat. This is all your brain is able to register as you stare at this figure in horror.

"W-who are you?" you whisper, your body trembling. The man stares at you, his face showing no emotion.

"You don't belong here," he tells you in a deep, monotone voice. You continue to tremble. Your mouth remains wide open. You feel like you are about to cry.

I don't belong here... you repeat in your mind. The man continues to stare at you, when suddenly...

The lights turn on.

You find yourself sitting on the Museum floor, all by yourself. You see an owl man look at you with concern. You realize you've been hallucinating again.

"Are you okay, sir?" the owl asks you. You get up from the floor. You feel your head.

"What was I doing?" you ask. The owl chuckles.

"You were just sitting on the floor over there," he tells you. "Talking to yourself, I think. Are you feeling alright?" Your face turns beet red.

"I- I'm fine!" you stammer. "T-Thanks!"

You're too embarrassed to talk anymore. You quickly run out of the Museum. Once outside, you decide to head to Town Hall to get ready to settle into your new home. You still feel a little sick, but you shrug it off.


A few hours pass and soon you are in your new home! Like Nook said, it's very small, but still very cozy. There are only three rooms: the main room, a bathroom, and your bedroom. The house came unfurnished except a basic bed, a telephone, and a radio. You assume you'll have to buy the furniture yourself.

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