Act 4, Scene 2

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You stop in front of your house and turn to face Rover. "You didn't have to walk me home or anything, I would have been fine on my own! But-- thanks... I guess."

He scratches the back of his head casually. "Nah, I should be thanking you! We got a lot of good information from our investigation at the train station, and I'm sure we'll get to that man in the trench coat eventually!"

You smile. "I'm glad I could be of some help!" You laugh nervously. I did help... right? "Good night, Rover." you say as you open the door and head inside.

"Good night. I'll see you tomorrow? Just let me know if you want to take the day off to recover." He chuckles.

"Yeah, sure..." You walk inside while shaking your head and close the door behind you. When you reach your bed, you fall heavily onto it and immediately fall asleep. What a day...


After Ai closes the door, you sigh. What a day... Ai did a good job up until the end there. You wonder if you may have pushed her too hard by dragging her along to the lighthouse, but you think little of it. If anything, you feel like you pushed yourself too hard today. It's not like me to fall asleep during a stakeout, and even for a relatively light day of work today, I'm totally exhausted! Maybe all those sleepless nights are finally catching up to me... You shake off the exhaustion the best you can and start to head back home.

Along the way, you choose to stop by Rosie's house, just to check up on her. You peer through the window and can see that the room is totally dark, except for the light from the TV. Rosie, Mabel, Sable and Walker are all lying on the floor in front of the TV, asleep. As your eyes adjust to the dim light inside the house, you also notice that the room is a mess of food wrappers and crumbs. It seems like she's been having fun on her own. You smile and continue walking.


You pull out your tent from your pocket and expand it onto the ground next to the Police Station. You enter the tent and lie down in your sleeping bag, staring at the yellow ceiling. So we have a mysterious letter from Kid Cat, who is dead, but not, and then a mysterious man that Ai keeps seeing... You have a feeling that things are only going to get stranger. I wonder how Lance is doing on his fishing trip. Hopefully he's doing well. With that final thought, your eyes close and you fall into a deep sleep.


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