Act 2, Scene 4

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You begin to hear drops of water falling on the roof above you. You realize that it has started to rain. You have no umbrella on you, so it looks like you might get soaked.

You run out of the train station with your hands over your head, trying hard not to get soaked. Immediately, you turn to the left and try to make it to a store. You run towards a blue colored cottage, the first building you see.

As you open the door, you recognize the wooden door from your first night in Sanctuary. It's the door to the Able Sister's shop. It's just the same as it was then, only new merchandise is laid out.

Mabel greets you as you walk in. "Hello Lance! Great to see you again!" She looks at you from head to toe, noticing that you are drenched. She raises an eyebrow. "I take it you're here to wait out the storm?"

"Yeah, I'll be out of here once it stops raining." you tell Mabel, who frowns and looks down, disappointed.

In the back of the shop you hear Mabel's older sister, Sable, muttering to herself. "I told you he wasn't going to buy anything, sis."

Determined to prove Sable wrong, you tell Mabel that you'll shop around. "There's no point in wasting a visit here, right?" Mabel's face immediately brightens up. She pushes you along to the second row of the shop.

"Here we have a wide assortment of handmade umbrellas, the best you'll find anywhere!" she tells you proudly. "And as always, Lance, all of our designs are originals. Most are made by designers right in this village!"

You browse through the collection of umbrellas and pick out a Leaf Umbrella. For some reason you're drawn to it. The other three umbrellas looked nice, but you were looking for something a little unique. I bet not many people have an umbrella like this!

Mabel comments on your choice. "That's the Leaf Umbrella. It's only 88 Bells. Would you like it?"

"Of course! At that price it's perfect!" you exclaim with a smile. You don't have much extra cash to spend, so you don't want to drop any more cash than you need to. "And plus it's such a unique design!"

You see Sable start chuckling to herself while sewing in the back corner. Mabel laughs as well. "Actually the Leaf Umbrella is one of our most popular items. In fact, I'd be surprised if anyone in this town doesn't have it!"

You hang your head. "Oh..." you reply, disappointed. Well there go my hopes for a unique umbrella. "Well either way, I needed a good umbrella, so thanks!"

"Now about a new set of clothes..." you begin as you look around the shop at the various designs and patterns on display. "What's your best deal on those? I need a new set since my current ones are soaked. What's more, I'm kinda short on cash, so I need to save as much as I can."

Mabel nods her head. "Yes, I understand that. Here..." She walks you over to a display in the back corner filled with shirts of many different designs. "This is our custom-made section where people in Sanctuary make their own designs. If you'd like, you can select one of the designs from this lot. They're about 50 Bells a piece."

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