Act 3 (Part 2), Scene 2

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Two hours into the trip, Kapp'n is still busy singing his songs. They all have the same tune, but he at least changes the lyrics. You stopped paying attention to his songs an hour ago, though. The island port you're supposed to be stopping at is a 4 hour boat ride from Sanctuary. Kapp'n's songs are alright, but you can't stand listening to them for that long.

You stare out into the distance, but can only see about 10 meters away, the rest is covered by fog. What a view... You think sarcastically. You had hoped the fog would clear as the sun started to rise, but for some reason, it has yet to lift.

Every once in a while you think you see something out there, but when you look harder, there's nothing there. Just the open sea. Your eyelids feel heavy, and your head starts nodding as you start to fall asleep. Right before you do, however, you see yet another object in the distance. A boat? It seems a bit too small, but it's figure is a lot better defined than the others from before. Is this— Am I dreaming this up? Your mind is having a hard time deciding what to believe.

You conclude that you must be hallucinating. After all, lack of sleep can do that to a person. You feel the calm, brisk air all around you as you drift into a deep sleep...


"You never belonged there..."

A deep voice with a rather malicious voice greets you in your dream. You cannot see anything. You cannot feel anything. You are frozen.

"Who are you?" you ask, very afraid. "What are you?!" The voice begins to chuckle, with that same malicious tone. You want to cry, but you cannot force any tears.

"You don't remember?" the voice replies. "How pathetic!"

Suddenly, the lights come on. You find yourself standing in the middle of a hallway of some sort. The walls and floor are both made of concrete, and are painted with a thick white paint.

"I-I don't remember anything!" you cry. Somehow, you feel as if you've heard this voice before. You attempt to recollect your thoughts as you stand in the middle of the hallway.

"We both know that you're lying," the voice harshly responds. "You remember... You just refuse to acknowledge it."

"I don't understand!" you shout. "I really DON'T remember anything! I swear!"

Come to think of it, there is a lot that you don't remember. What exactly was life like before all this? Before you moved to Sanctuary? You remember a phone call. A phone call with a certain man.

 "I sincerely hope you consider moving to Sanctuary," Tom Nook tells you. "I had a long talk with your father. He believes that the move might help you get over...her."

Who was your father? What was his name? What was your name? You know it's not Lance, and it certainly isn't Slick. Why can't I remember? You close your eyes and see a faint outline of a woman. You can't make out any of her facial features, but she seems familiar.

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