Act 1, Scene 4

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You step out of Nookington's to take in the fresh air. It's still fairly early. You now have the rest of the day to yourself; at least until 8 PM.

You decide to go back and check up on Rosie. Hopefully she's alright; she was still passed out when you left her. That was at 5 AM, and it's 8 AM now. Using your map, you cut through the woods and reach her house in 5 minutes. Huh. I'm already getting used to the town layout. That's good. You think to yourself.

You knock on Rosie's door. No answer. You then try to open the door since you don't remember locking it on your way out. It's now locked. It looks like Rosie woke up and has already left her house.

You figure you should ask some of the villagers about her whereabouts. After all, you were planning on introducing yourself to them anyway. You begin to walk away from Rosie's house. You hope you'll run into somebody; maybe you'll find Rosie during your little walk.

From a distance you see a black and white colored dog. You recognize him as the same dog that greeted you when you first came into town. You feel that it would be rude to turn him down again. He spots you and waves at you. You walk over to him.

"Hey, wuh!" the dog greets as he holds out his hand to you. "I'm Walker. You're the new guy I keep hearing about!" You shake his hand.

"Yup, that's me," you tell him. The two of you stand there in complete silence.

"So Walker," you begin, thinking about what you are going to say. "Can you tell me a little about yourself?" The dog lets out a loud chuckle.

"I should be asking YOU that, wuh!" he exclaims with a laugh. "But anyway... I'm pretty chill guy. I LOVE food, and sleeping is my favorite hobby. You?"

You try not to laugh. Walker seems a little weird, yet he seems like a nice guy. Definitely someone who you would want as a friend.

"Well," you begin. "My name is Lance, and moved here from..." For some strange reason, you've forgotten the name of your old town. No matter how hard you think, you cannot remember the name. It's... odd.

"Are you okay, wuh?" Walker asks. You nod your head quickly.

"U-uh yeah I'm fine!" you stammer. The dog gives you a strange look.

"Hmmm, I think you might be coming down with something," he says. "I think they sell medicine at the local shop. I'm not too sure though."

You remember that you wanted to find out about Rosie's location. "By any chance do you know where Rosie is?" you ask. You feel a little awkward for asking that.

Walker stares at you. "Rosie?" he asks. "You mean that cute cat girl that lives here, wuh? I dunno... Hey! Are you trying to hook up with her or something?"

You are caught off guard. You suddenly become sweaty and your face turns red. "What?! N-no!" you stammer, shaking your head. Walker chuckles.

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