Act 3, Scene 2

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Leaving Lance and Ai alone, you head through the forest back to your own home. As you walk away, though, you feel a sort of emptiness, which is unlike what your usually cheery and upbeat self has ever felt. If only Kid Cat were still around... Today would have been a lot more fun. You try to shake it off, but you just feel a little down. Maybe all I need is a little sleep. You nod to yourself. Yeah, that might be it...

*Crack* You hear something move behind you.

You turn around instinctively to look at the source of the sound, but see nothing. Huh? You backtrack a little to see if you can find the source. You look around a few trees but still can't find anything. It's probably nothing. You think to yourself as you turn around to continue home.

Once home, you lie down on your couch and turn on the TV. You're not really watching it, but the noise helps your house feel less empty. As your eyes wander the room, they finally fall onto a photo on the wall that makes your stomach jump up and constrict your breathing. With your vision blurring with tears, you walk over to the wall and pick up the photo. It's of you and Kid Cat a long time ago, before he and Ai started going out! Both of you have one arm around the other and are smiling widely.

Suddenly you feel like writing a letter to Kid Cat, but you wouldn't know where to send it to. That's right... I might not know where Kid Cat is, but Pete can get letters to anyone! The thought immediately excites you and you rush over to your desk, stumbling over your coffee table. You sit down and quickly begin to write:

 Hey Kid Cat!


 That wasn't cool, leaving me alone like that all of a sudden, silly! Oh well, I get that you didn't want to worry me too much. That was nice of you to think about me. Hope you're doing okay, silly! And hope to see you soon!


 Miss you,

 ~ Rosie

Possessed by adrenaline, you stuff the letter into an envelope and rush out of your house to the Post Office. You make it three steps from your house before you realize that you forgot to close your door. I don't want any bugs coming in! You close and lock your door, then run to the Post Office.


You reach there just as Pete is making his evening pickup. You quickly hand him the letter and explain your situation.

Pete just smiles. "Of course! I'll get it to him as soon as possible!"

"Really? Thank you soooooo much, Pete! You're the best, silly!" you say in a high-pitched voice. You can't help but be excited.

Pete loads the letter into his bag and holds his smile. "Not a problem at all, Rosie. Just doing my job. Good night." He says before walking out the door.

You feel as light as air as you leave the Post Office and head back home. Hopefully he gets it soon...

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