Act 2, Scene 2

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You look at Lance curiously as you turn slightly red. What is he trying to figure out?

"Huh... I, uhh... Hmm..." You don't know what to tell him.

You figure there's no harm in telling Lance the truth. "Well... It was mostly to get back at Ai."

Lance looks confused. "At Ai? What did she do to you? I thought you both were best friends!"

"You see, Ai had started going out with Kid Cat, who I really liked. But Ai got to him first and that just broke my heart, silly." You look down and frown. "It sounds stupid, but Rover just seemed like a good alternative. He was nice to me, as strange as he was, so I went out with him. But after a while, Ai broke up with Kid Cat and left town..." You take a sip from your hot chocolate.

Lance nods. "To grow up... I take Kid Cat was a bit too kiddish for Ai?"

"Yeah... That was pretty much it. By then, I was so far in with Rover that I felt bad dumping him. He was just being so nice to me." Sometimes a little too nice. "Thankfully we broke it off a few months later. And... Here we are, silly." Lance remains silent for a while, processing it all.

Finally he speaks up. "Well, at least everything worked out in the end. But there's one thing that's bugging me... After all of this, why haven't you asked out Kid Cat?"

A voice from your right says, "Yeah why didn't you?" Your eyes go wide and your heart sinks to your stomach. Rover... You didn't want him to hear any of this!

You quickly turn around in your chair and see Rover at the counter, his chair turner towards your table. He gets off of the barstool and walks over to your table. "That was quite a story, Rosie. Why didn't you ever tell me about Kid Cat?"

"Because..." You start to say. I never wanted to have this conversation! "It-it didn't matter anymore... I was over Kid Cat by then." You really were... Or were you? Something inside you tells you you're not.

Rover raises an eyebrow and takes the chair across from you, next to Lance. "I don't think so. I've known you long enough to know when you're lying. Your ears do that twitching thing." He smiles. You instinctively feel your ears. They were shaking slightly. Then you look over to Lance. Your face turns slightly red.

"What, Rover? Where do you go on making that kind of stuff up?" You ask. "Are you some kind of Sherlock Holmes, silly?"

Rover laughs. "Oh I wish! I can only dream of being as good as Sherlock Holmes!" He pauses. "But that's beside the point. Why haven't you talked to Kid Cat about any of this?"

You shake your head. "Really, how could I think of asking him out? I'm not even that good of friends with him, silly!"

"But you want to be." Rover teases.

"Oh my gosh, shut up!" you yell at Rover. Then noticing Lance's shocked look, you calm down. Your face turns even redder. "Can you at least drop the whole 'Sherlock' act until after I'm done? Really, it's one weird thing after another with you..." You shake your head. "Anyways, I never told Kid Cat because I didn't want to invade Ai's territory. Even after she was gone, it... It just didn't feel right."

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