Act 2, Scene 5

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You and Ai leave Kapp'n to his reminiscing and try to forget how awkward that conversation got. You look over at Ai and think back to how she responded to Kapp'n's question. I wonder if she— "Hey Lance." Ai interrupts your train of thought. "What are you going to do now?" she asks. You look down and check your watch. It's 4 PM.

"Well... I'm not really sure. I guess I was going to go to The Roost. Care to join me?" You fold up your umbrella and put it away.You're probably not going to need it for a while.

"Of course!" Ai laughs. "It seems like we go there every day, but I love it! It's just a great way to end the day, isn't it?" She folds up her umbrella as well, but keeps it out as a walking stick of sorts.

You nod. "Yeah, it is!" You then wave your arm in front of you. "Shall we?" And with that you begin walking together towards The Roost. You feel like asking Ai more about her past, but you feel that that's a topic best left for the barstools at The Roost. If Ai's anything like Rosie, she'll be chatting away about her life with just a few cups of coffee! You chuckle at your joke a little and keep walking with Ai.

"So Lance... Where were you before you came here?" Ai doesn't seem to share your plans for a silent walk.

"Well..." You're not really sure how to answer that at all. "I don't really remember the name of the town, actually. Every time I try to remember it, the name just sort of... Slips my mind." It's weird, you can't remember much about your past other than the time Tom Nook first called you to move to Sanctuary, and a few dozen other scattered memories.

"Well that's weird. You don't remember anything? Really?" Ai asks, amazed.

"Yeah. I do remember a few things here and there, but the fine details of it all is a blur. I guess some things weren't very important..." Why else would I not remember it? You don't really feel like jumping down that rabbit hole just yet, so you change the subject, "What about you, Ai? Where were you before you came here?"

"Well, I moved here about... Five years ago, now? Wow..." She shakes her head in disbelief. "It's crazy how quickly time flies... Anyways, before that, I was living in a far-off town called Kokomo with my parents. I moved out into the world on my own and ended up here. I can still remember the day Kapp'n drove me into town and I first met Rosie. I knew from the start we were going to be best friends." She laughs. "It's funny, I actually met her while making delivery runs for Tom Nook... It's strange how small things like a job can connect you to your lifelong friends."

"Yeah..." you agree. "To think that stumbling into the Able Sister's shop on my first night here led me to befriending Rosie, and then meeting you." You can't help but smile as you look at her. It's great having people like Ai around... I feel so calm and at ease. Like nothing wrong is going on! "The world has a funny way of connecting people."

And with those words, you reach the outside of the Museum, and you head into the familiar, warm comfort of The Roost. Once you open the door, you see Rosie with Kid Cat sitting at a table, having what looks like a very humorous conversation.


You look over Kid Cat's shoulder and notice Lance walking in with some new clothes. It looks like he's been having fun shopping... Right behind Lance is a girl you don't recognize. Who's this new girl? You wonder. She looks a lot like- No way... It's Ai! She looks very different with her new outfit and hairstyle. I wonder who she's trying to impress... No doubt it's Lance. You feel a bit uneasy all of a sudden, but then you look back at Kid Cat to keep his attention on you. It looks like Ai and Lance are on a date or something, so you figure you should leave them alone... Besides, Kid Cat is the one you should be paying attention to.

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