Act 2, Scene 3

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After Ai leaves you take another dose of the medicine and get into bed. Your head starts to feel better again and you slowly fall asleep.

About an hour or two later, you're woken up by a knock at the door. You don't even bother to open your eyes. You just lie in bed and wonder. Who could it possibly be? It's past midnight!

Who knows who or what could be on the other end of that door. Still, you slowly rise up from your bed and sleepily walk to the front door. You open it. Standing in front of you is a familiar figure: A dog wearing a police uniform. He looks at you with concern.


The police officer remains silent. He lowers his head, looking directly at the ground below.

"Son," he begins, taking a short pause. "We need you at the station. Right now."


You sit inside the interrogation room; the same exact room you sat in last morning. You wait patiently as Copper talks with Booker. Why am I here? What did I do wrong? Why did it have to be me? What the hell is going on? you wonder.

It seems like hours have passed when Copper finally enters the room. He throws a large yellow folder onto the table. You wonder what could possibly be inside it.

Copper sits down at the other side of the table. He stares at you, taking a pause before starting to speak.

"We wanted to ask you a few more questions," he begins. "I'm sorry if we disturbed you. However, it was important that we spoke to you right away."

You gulp. You have an awful feeling about this.

"First question," Copper asks, pausing again. These pauses are sure getting annoying... "I'm sure you've been acquainted with Rover, am I right?"

Your eyes widen. You are at a loss for words. What did Rover do?

There's no reason to lie to the police. In fact, you remember that it was against the law or something. "Yeah, I've met Rover before," you tell him. "Why?"

Copper looks at you. The serious look on his face remains. "We have reason to believe that he may be connected to the murder," he begins, closing his eyes. "It's not concrete evidence, but it's evidence nonetheless. I'm sure you've heard about the strange rumor that's been spreading throughout town?"

You have. That rumor about the trench coat wearing madman that hangs out near the lighthouse at midnight. Wait, something doesn't sound right here.

"We've noticed that Rover has been wearing a similar looking trench coat the last couple of days. We have come to the conclusion that there may be a connection."

So wait a minute. Rover... Is he the cloaked figure in the rumor? Now that you think about it, Rover WAS wearing a trench coat when you met him at the train station. Your head is spinning. Was Rover Astrid's killer?

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