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Seeun 4/4


" then I said.." you ramble, talking about your day to your boyfriend as he nods ever so often, his hand on his chin. His eyes stay focused on yours, responding whenever you stop talking, continuing the conversation.

You talk again, failing to notice how seeuns eyes linger throughout your body, watching on how you play with your hands, or how much you blink. A smile settles on his face, scooting towards your body slowly as he wraps his arm around your neck, pulling you closer.

You dont react much to his dismay, holding onto his waist and slightly buring your head into his chest. "What did he do after that love?" He asks calmly, playing with your hair as your eyes sparkle with joy, ranting about what so and so said about someone else.

"Hey seeun.. are you alright?" You ask after a while, realizing that he wasnt paying attention. No, he was staring at you, lovingly. He blinks, before nodding slowly, leaning closer to connect his lips with yours.

Your eyes flutter open at his sudden kiss, quickly wrapping your arms around his neck and shutting your eyes, returning his love for you. You continue for a while, breaking the kiss for a breath or two before connecting again. His lips were soft against yours and the only thing you could do was smile, making him do the same.

He smiles softly at you, lying your body on the bed and covering it was a warm blanket. He sits on the side, hovering over your face as he boops your nose, his eyes full of love.

"Was I talking too much?" You break the silence, feeling a bit insecure about yourself. He shakes his head no. "You were talking just the right amount," he whispers in your ear, coming back up to kiss your nose before crawling into bed with you, wrapping his arm around your waist while whispering soft sweet nothings in your ear.

A/n: I took a smol little break from writing since school just started (yay). I will still be writing, just updates may be a bit slower (but not too slow!!)

As you can read, I was talking in 2nd pov and ngl I kinda enjoyed it. It reminds you and me that we can never be yn (if I cant be happy either can you) should I continue?

It kinda felt like a long drabble (and long authors note) but happy birthday to our Skkr skkr king!!💖


~ This series is officially over unless someone requests another member ~

429 words

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