Smokescreen X Femme (Part 1)

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This Story Was Requested By Frostbyte1508 I Hope This Story Is Okay.

I'm not very good at doing this. So please understand. But you are girlfriend with Smokescreen. And Smokescreen is your boyfriend. And your sire in the story is Megatron, the leader of the Decepticons.

Sorry for not saying this. But your name is Y/D

And your mother's name is Y/N

It's been 3 months and you have been hanging around and spending time with one of the Autobots. His name is Smokescreen. You just love the way he talks, thinks and he is very funny. But can sometimes get himself into trouble. But you have been keeping him a secret from someone and that is your father Megatron.


You were going to sneak out. And yes. It wasn't a smart move. And being the princess of the Decepticons. It was hard for you to get out and do things at this time of night and hour. Because you knew that someone was watching and listening. And that person was Soundwave. He was the eyes and ears around your father's ship. You never get to do things that you want to do. But this time you're finally going to make that happen. You slowly approached the flightdeck. Hoping that nobody was watching or seeing you. But someone was watching you. And he was not happy seeing what you were doing. You were close to the flightdeck until you heard a deep voice.

"Where are you going?" The deep voice said and asked you.

You stiffened up because you thought it was Soundwave. Because he always uses voice recordings of your father's voice when you are around him. You knew that it couldn't be your father because he would be in his berth room at this time and in a recharge.

"Sound. I'm going to." You turned but stopped what you were about to say. You saw your father Megatron standing right in front of you. Which you thought he was in his berth room and in a recharge. But you were wrong. He wasn't. He was standing right in front of you.

Your father looked at you. He wanted to know where you were going at this time of hour and at this time of night.

"I won't ask you again. Where are you going?" He asked me, and his voice was very demanding. "It is late and you should be in bed by now." He said.

"Uh. I'm going to go and relax, father. I need to think about the other steps to help you defeat the Autobots. And I am an adult father. I am 17 years old." I replied hoping he would accept what I said.

He raised his optics brow. He really didn't believe a word you were saying. By the way your voice sounded. He then inhaled and said this.

"I understand you are an adult. But you are still my daughter. And... you are still little to me. But fine. But do be careful." He then placed his servo on your cheek. "I can't risk losing you after we lost your Carrier." He sighs. "You remind me so much of her. And I wouldn't know what to do if I had lost you to the Autobots." He said.

I looked at my father. I knew what he meant. I reminded him so much of my mother. Because I look so much like her. We both lost Carrier because of this battle and war. But it hit my father the most. He lost a special friend that was always right by his side when he needed someone. But now he lost that. And he only has me.

I groaned at what my father just said. Him calling me little.

"Father, I am not little any more. And I promise I'll be careful." I said, reassuring him that I will be careful.

I then saw a smile tug on his faceplates. Which he only does when he is alone with me. He gently placed a kiss on the top of my helm. I gave a kiss on his left cheek. He smiled.

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