Ratchet X Femme

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You and your lover did have a fun time until you both were fighting with some Vehicons. You looked and you saw one of the Vehicons coming after Ratchet. And he didn't know. You immediately shouted and warned him of the upcoming attack. "Ratchet duck." I said. He immediately ducked down. And you ran and you punched the Vehicon in his face. The Vehicon immediately went down. The Vehicons didn't know how you were fighting them. But what they didn't know is that you had a special suit that was made specially for you. Soon the Vehicons quickly ran off. You walked over and helped Ratchet up. "Thanks sweet spark." He said. "No worries... doc." I replied back.

He looked at me and he glared at me. I smiled. "Oops sorry, Ratchet." I said. He chuckled and shook his helm. "It's okay, sweet spark. I'm only okay with it when you say it. Not Wheeljack. I hate it when he calls me that." He replied back. I giggled and chuckled. "Ratchet. We should be heading back to base." I said. He looked at me and nodded. He knew that I was right. "Yes you're right." He replied back. He went and he messaged Prime for a bridge. "Prime. We need a bridge." He said through the com link. Soon a bridge opened. He bent down and gently lifted you up. Soon he walked through carrying and holding you. Soon the bridge closed behind you both.

(Autobot Base)

(Main Lobby)

You and Ratchet were back at base. You slowly deactivated your suit. You then walked over and sat down on the couch. While Ratchet walked over to do some things. You were sitting down when you heard peds walking over. You looked and you saw Arcee walking over to you. She activated her human form. She sat down next to you. "So. Did you kill any cons?" She asked you. She looked at you. And you looked at her. "No. But I wished that I did." I replied back. "But I also have to be careful of Megatron not finding out about me. Well, a human being in love with one of the Autobots." I said and explained to her. "I completely understand." She replied back. "And I can see that you like Ratchet. Don't you. Don't deny it girl." She asked you. I smiled.

"Okay yes. I do like him more than you know. He makes me happy and I really can't explain it." I replied back. Arcee chuckled. "And your father doesn't care about this." She asked you. "That I don't know. I think he is okay." I replied back. You both were talking and chatting. Soon you heard your father's voice. "Y/N." Your father's voice said. You looked up and you saw your father. He walked over to you and Arcee. "Agent Fowler. It's good to see you." Arcee said. "Same to you Arcee." He replied back. He looked at you. "Y/N. A word with you now." He said. I nodded. I'll talk with you later Arcee. I said. She nodded. I slowly got up and walked with my father.

(In The Halls)

"So... I hear that you like Ratchet. Is that correct Y/N." He asked you. He looked at you. "Yes father. It is true." I replied back. "Is there a problem with me being in a relationship with him?" I asked him. "No. There's not. I just don't want to see you heartbroken, that's all." He replied back. "I know dad. But he won't. He loves me for who I am." I said. He nodded. "So I see that suit worked out for you." He asked me. "Yes. It did. It came in handy." I replied back. We were walking and chatting when we heard Ratchet's voice. "Sweet spark." Ratchet's voice said. We turned and we saw Ratchet. "Yes Ratchet." I replied back. "Um... I want to ask you something. And I already asked your father this." He asked me. I looked at Ratchet.

"What is it, Ratchet?" I replied back. "Uh.... Will you do the honors of becoming my sparkmate and conjunx-Endura." He asked me. My eyes widened but soon I had tears. I nodded. "Yes Ratchet. Yes." I replied back. He smiled. I immediately ran and I hugged him. I looked at my father. "Thank you dad for giving him the blessing." I said. He nodded. He walked over. "You take care of her Ratchet. Or you'll never hear the end of it." He said. "Don't worry, Agent Fowler. I will protect her." He replied back. He nodded and walked off. Soon it was just me and Ratchet. "I will always protect you, Y/N. I love you." He said. I smiled. "I love you too, Ratchet." I replied back. Soon we both kissed each other. We both then walked and headed to the main lobby.

(Main Lobby)

Miko, Jack and Raf were sitting down when they saw you and Ratchet walking in. "So did you pop the question." Miko asked Ratchet. "Miko." Bulkhead's voice said. Ratchet chuckled. "It's fine, Bulkhead." He said. "Yes Miko I did. And she said yes." Ratchet said, answering Miko's question. "Yes! So when's the big day?" Miko asked you and Ratchet. "Miko!" Bulkhead said. "Sorry. I just wanted to know." Miko said and replied back. Ratchet chuckled. "It's fine. But we don't know when the wedding will be. It will take time to plan it." He said and explained to Miko. Soon everyone knew about the celebration. But you and Ratchet walked off and headed to his room. For you and him to have alone time. Just the two of you.

(Ratchet's Room)

You both walked in the room. Soon the doors closed behind you both. You both walked over to the berth. Ratchet lifted you up and laid you down. Soon his human form appeared. He laid next to you. "You know. I can't wait until we are married, Y/N." He said. I giggled. "I know. I can't wait either. And you surprised me when you popped the question." I replied back. He chuckled. "And that's what I sorta wanted. For you to be surprised." He said. "Oh. And I was. You surprised me, Ratchet." I replied back. We both laid our heads down and snuggled closer to each other. "Let's get some rest, Y/N. We have a big day tomorrow for planning our wedding." He said. I nodded.

"Yes. We do." I replied back. We both went and we kissed each other. The kiss was endless. And the kiss was filled with passion. We both moaned. I then felt his tongue being pushed into my mouth. Ratchet pushed his tongue. He moved it around. Savoring all your saliva. He curled it upwards making your vision go blurry. Soon you both backed away. You both smiled. "Night Y/N. I love you, sweet spark." He said. I smiled. "Night Ratchet. And I love you too. My handsome doc." I replied back. He groaned hearing the word doc. But he didn't mind hearing it from you. We both turned over. And soon before we knew it. We both fell fast asleep.

Words: 1,200

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