Bumblebee X Femme

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(Autobot Base)

(Your Bathroom)

You got down taking a shower. You wrapped yourself in a towel to cover yourself. You wrapped your hair up in a towel. You then walked out into your room to grab your clothes.

(Your Room)

You walked over to your closet grabbing your clothes when your doors opened to your room. You looked and saw Bumblebee, your boyfriend. You gasped. Bumblebee looked and his faceplates turned red. ~"Sorry Y/N."~ He said. You smiled. You knew what he was saying even though he couldn't speak. "It's fine, Bumblebee." I replied back. I then almost blushed. "Um. Can you give me a minute to change." I asked him. He nodded. I then walked off heading to my bathroom to change into my clothes. Bumblebee waited for you to come out. He then looked and saw you walking out. Looking gorgeous than ever. He smiled. ~"You look beautiful, Y/N."~ He said. I smiled and blushed. He chuckled. ~"Ready for that date."~ He asked me. I nodded. He walked over and he gently lifted me up. He then walked out of my room heading to the main lobby.

(Main Lobby)

Everyone was working on things with the kids doing their homework. Ratchet was at the computer when he saw Bumblebee walking out carrying you in his servos. Ratchet chuckled. "Off to your second date I see." He asked us. Bumblebee looked at Ratchet. ~"Yes. Tell Prime we'll be back shortly.~" He replied back. Ratchet nodded. "Hey Bee. Have fun." Raf said. Miko giggled. "Yeah. Have fun you two. Someday they're going to be married." Miko said. "Miko!" Ratchet, Bulkhead, and Jack said and exclaimed at the same time. "You two head off and have fun." Ratchet said. We both nodded. Bumblebee transformed into his alt mode having you in the passenger seat. Soon he took off.

(Jasper Nevada)


Bumblebee parked in the parking lot. Bumblebee got out of his alt mode using his human form. He walked over being a gentleman and opening your door for you. I smiled seeing this. I slowly got out. He shut the door. He gently took my hand and we both walked and we found a good place to sit and have a wonderful time. I looked and noticed him doing something. He placed something down. I then realized it was a picnic. I sat down on the blanket that he put down. He sat down next to me. He set the stuff out. I smiled seeing it. Soon he had the food out. I went and I grabbed one of the snacks to eat but he went and he lightly smacked my hand. "Ayi. What was that for?" I asked him. ~"Not finished yet. Be patient Y/N. I want this to be perfect."~ He replied back. I nodded. He smiled and he kissed my cheek. I giggled. He chuckled. He then grabbed the last thing. I gasped. "Bee. Where and how did you get that?" I asked him. He chuckled. ~"Don't tell Prime. But this is a perfect thing for our second date."~ He replied back. "Okay. But that is wine." I said. ~"I know that. But can you let this one slide."~ He asked me. "Fine." I replied back. He smiled and he poured the wine for you in the glass. He handed it to you. I took the glass and tried it. I took a sip and it tasted really good. "What is this wine?" I asked him. ~"Red wine of course."~ He replied back. I nodded. Soon we both enjoyed the best time of our lives. Soon after we were done. We both packed up everything and we left heading back to the Autobot Base.

(Autobot Base)

(Main Lobby)

Prime was standing and looking at the plans when he heard something. He looked and he saw Bumblebee driving in. He looked and saw you getting out. Bumblebee then transformed into his biped mode. Prime looked at them. "Bee." His voice said. Bumblebee looked at him. ~"Yes, Prime."~ He replied back. "You didn't do it did you?" He asked Bee. Bee was confused. ~"Didn't do what Prime."~ He asked him. "Have wine. Bee. You are almost a kid." He replied back. Bee looked at him. ~"Prime. It was just this one time. Can you just let it slide? It was a special occasion. It was my and Y/N's second date."~ He said and explained to him. Prime sighs. "Very well. You two may go." He replied back. Bee nodded. Soon both you and Bumblebee walked off heading to your room. Prime sighs. "I'm only looking out for you. Since I raised you when you were abandoned. You are like a son to me." He said to himself. He then went back to what he was doing.

(Your Room)

Both you and Bumblebee walked in. Bee walked in and he activated his human form. "I'll get changed but be prepared for what I have in store for you." I said. He nodded. He then watched you walk off to go change. He laid down on your bed and waited for you. He had his eyes closed when he heard your voice. "Bee." Your voice said. He looked up and his eyes immediately widened. ~"What do you have on Y/N?"~ He asked me. I giggled and smiled. "Lingerie." I replied back. "Why do you ask?" I asked him. ~"It's just that. You look so beautiful in that. That's why."~ He replied back. I giggled. I walked over and slid under my bed covers. He laid with you under the covers. You laid down and you felt his tender fingers touching your fine skin. I moaned, feeling his fingers touching my skin. He chuckled. He went and he kissed me. ~"Let's get some rest my dear."~ He said. I nodded. We both kissed each other. We both moaned. We both backed away. We both then laid down. Cuddling against each other. Soon we both fell fast asleep.

Words: 1,000

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