Knockout X Femme

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(Med Bay)

You were sitting in the med bay bored at the highest. You didn't know what to do. Soon you heard the doors open to the med bay. You looked and you saw Lord Megatron walking in. And he didn't look like himself at all. "Uh. Lord Megatron. Are you okay?" I asked him. He gave a low growl. He looked at me. "Get Knockout, Y/N." He replied back. I hopped down off Knockout's desk and walked to the other room that I knew he was in. Soon the doors open to the room. I walked in and soon the doors closed behind me.

(Med Bay Supply Room)

I looked and I scanned the room and there he was. My lover and my guardian. "Knockout." I said. Getting his attention. He turned and he looked at me. "Yes, doll. What is it." He replied back. "Lord Megatron's in the med bay. And he is requesting to see you." I said. He looked at me and nodded. "Did he get injured?" He asked me. "Don't know. But I am telling you what he told me. He said to get you." I replied back. He nodded. He then got up and walked into the med bay.

(Med Bay)

You watch Knockout walk over and see him start to work on Megatron's fusion cannon. I pulled out my pad and started doing things. I also had a built-in scanner and Knockout didn't know that I had it. But I like helping him and he knows that. I clicked on my scanner. I then looked and I saw that something was inside Megatron's cannon that wasn't supposed to be in there. I walked over to Knockout and Lord Megatron. "Uh. Knockout. You know I love helping you fix things right." I asked him. "Yes, I do." He replied back. "Why are you asking me this?" He asked me. "Well, there's something inside Lord Megatron's cannon that doesn't belong there." I replied back. I walked over. Megatron slowly bent down and lifted you up.

"Y/N. Show Knockout where it is. Please." He asked me. I nodded. I walked over and I showed them the scan. They were surprised. I walked over and helped Knockout. I was looking at things. "Lord Megatron. Can you deactivate your cannon for just a second?" I asked him. He pushed some buttons and soon it powered down. "Ready to pull Knockout." I asked him. "You betcha doll." He replied back. Both me and Knockout pulled and pulled and soon the thing came out and dislodged from Megatron's cannon. Soon both me and Knockout worked until we had Megatron's fusion cannon back in running order. He slowly stood up. "Now Megatron. No using it until it heals." I said, while making a joke out of it. He looked at me and he glared at me.

"Don't worry Lord Megatron. It's a joke." I said. He almost gave a soft smile. But he nodded. He then walked out. "Wow. You almost got him there doll. And when did you get that built-in scanner on your pad doll?" He asked me. "Uh. Had help from Soundwave. I wanted to help you." I replied back. He nodded. He walked over and washed his servos and his tools. Soon he dried them off. He then leaned back and he looked at you. You were looking at something and not paying attention that your lover and guardian was looking at you. He chuckled. "Y/N." He said. Finally getting your attention. You looked up. "Yes, Knockout." I replied back. "I've been looking at you for about 1 minute and you didn't even notice me looking at you." He said.

"Sorry Knockout." I replied back. He chuckled and smiled at me. "It's fine." He said. "So I have an idea." He said. "And what idea is that Knockout?" I asked him. "Where should we hangout, doll?" He asked me. I looked at him. And I knew what he was trying to do. He was asking me out on a date. "Are you asking me out on a date, Knockout." I asked him. "Yes I am." He replied back. "So what place should we go and hangout at?" He asked me. "How about going to a cafe." I replied back. He chuckled. "Sounds wonderful. And sounds good to me." He said. Knockout walked over and lifted you up. You both then walked out.

(Throne Room)

Soundwave was at his station and Megatron was sitting on his throne relaxing when they heard the doors open to the throne room. They looked and they saw you and Knockout. Knockout was scared, asking his master. But you weren't. "Uh. Lord Megatron." I said. "Yes, Y/N." He replied back. "Uh. Is it okay if me and Knockout go out and hangout." I asked him. He looked at you. "No." He replied back. "Lord Megatron. You can allow it this one time. At least I found that thing in your cannon. If I didn't have that special scanner built into my pad by Soundwave then you'll be in an excruciating amount of pain." I said and explained to him. He growled. He didn't like getting lectured by you.

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