Dreadwing X Femme

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(Your Room)

You were doing your thing like you always do until you heard something coming from your lover's room. You stopped what you were doing and you quickly went to his room.

(Dreadwing's Room)

Dreadwing groaned after he slipped and fell. He was going to get up until he felt small hands on his shoulders. He looked and he saw you. He smiled. "Come to rescue me I see." He asked me. I chuckled. "Yes. I did." I replied back. "So. What happened?" I asked him. "I slipped and fell Y/N." He replied back. "Can you get up?" I asked him. He slowly went but he groaned by doing it. Soon he was back on his peds. He looked and saw you climbing on the ladder that led to the top of his desk. You made it on his desk. He walked over and he sat down. You went over and you kissed his cheeks. He smiled and chuckled. "You know my dear. I have been thinking. You have been wanting to fly right." He asked me. I nodded. "Yeah. I have." I replied back. "Why do you ask?" I asked him. "Well you have gotten your wish my love." He replied back. I looked at him and tilted my head. I was confused by what he meant and said. He chuckled seeing you tilt your head. He thought it was cute. He walked over and he lifted me up. He then walked out.


Dreadwing walked out onto the flightdeck. You looked around. You were wondering what was going on. Until he transformed, having you inside his cockpit. I gasped. "Dreadwing. I love you for this." I said. I felt him chuckling. Soon he took off.

(Dreadwing's Cockpit)

"Dreadwing. I must know. Does Lord Megatron know about this?" I asked him. "Yes. He does. He actually let me do it." He replied back. "Wow. I never thought he would accept this." I said. "I know, tell me about it." He replied back. "But I think he's allowing it because of how much you have helped us. You actually brought back one of the relics that he needed." He said and explained to me. I nodded. I knew he was right. I was helpful to Lord Megatron and to his army. We both then laughed and chuckled. And we both had a great time of our lives.


(Throne Room)

Megatron sat on his throne looking over his datapad until he heard the doors open to the room. He looked and he saw Soundwave. "Soundwave. What is it?" He asked him. He had a feeling that it wasn't good. And he was right. "Master. Starscream lost the energon harvester." He replied back. "WHAT!" He shouted. "Oh he never learns does he." He said. "Apparently not, master." He replied back. Megatron switched his com link communication to yours. "Y/N." His voice said. "Yes, Lord Megatron." Your voice replied back. "Y/N. I have a mission for you. And I know you will never fail." His voice said. "And what's the mission, Lord Megatron?" Your voice asked him. "Your mission is to retrieve the energon harvester. Soundwave has already sent the coordinates to Dreadwing of the location." His voice explained to you. "Yes, Lord Megatron. I won't fail you." Your voice replied back. "I know you won't. Good luck soldier." His voice said. He then ended the chat. "At least we have her on our side, Soundwave. She's better at retrieving things than some of the others." He said. Soundwave nodded. Agreeing with his master.

(Abandoned Building)

You were looking carefully with Dreadwing protecting you and watching around the area if anything came across and was deemed a threat. He looked around until he heard your voice. "Dreadwing. I found it." Your voice said. "Excellent my love. Hurry. We need to go and leave before any Autobots show up." He replied back. He looked and he saw you walking out with the device. He gently lifted you up and he transformed and he took off.

(Dreadwing's Cockpit)

I sat the device down. I went and I messaged Megatron through my com link. "Lord Megatron." My voice said. "Y/N. Did you retrieve it?" His voice asked me. "Yes. I did Lord Megatron. It's safe and out of the hands of the Autobots." My voice replied back. "Excellent Y/N. I'll be waiting for your return. Meet me in the throne room." His voice said. "Yes, Lord Megatron." My voice replied back. We both soon headed back to the ship.


(Throne Room)

Megatron sat on his throne waiting for your arrival. He smiled knowing you did well. He was thinking when he heard the doors open to the room. He looked and he saw you and Dreadwing. I walked over to where Megatron was sitting. Megatron smiled. He saw you bending down and showing the item. He chuckled. "Rise soldier." He said. You rose up. Megatron got up and he bent down. You handed him the item. He took the item. "You did well, Y/N. Better than others. And that was quick." He said. I chuckled. "Yeah. I have my way." I replied back. He chuckled. "And your ways are excellent. You may go soldier." He said. I nodded. I got up and gave him a bow. He smiled and chuckled. He then saw you walking off with Dreadwing. Megatron sat down on his throne having the device back in their hands once again.

(Your Room)

You and Dreadwing were lying on your bed together laughing. "You know Y/N. You did really well by recovering that device." He said. "I know. I think that's why Megatron prefers me to recover the relics. He knows that I will never fail." I replied back. He chuckled. "Yeah. That is true. Anyways, we should get some rest. It has been a long day for us." He said. I nodded. We both laid down and kissed each other. We both cuddled next to each other. And before we knew it. We both fell fast asleep.

Words: 1,007

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