Primus X Femme

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(Your House)

(Your Bedroom)

You were sitting at your desk doing your studies that you were doing. You were going to college. You wanted to be a veterinarian. You were looking at the book and not paying attention until you felt fingers gently touching your skin. You immediately jumped accidentally smacking the person. "Ouch!" The voice said. You gasped. "Oh fudge you Primus. I know that's you." I said. I turned and I was right. It was Primus. I went and I lightly smacked him. "Hey!" He exclaimed. "What was that for?" He asked me. "That's what you get." I replied back. "How many times have I told you not to do that?" I asked him. He groaned. "A lot my dear." He replied back. "Yeah a lot. So don't do it again." I said. He nodded. "Understood my dear." He replied back. I turned back to my studies. "So what brings you here, Primus." I asked him. He walked over and sat down on a chair next to my desk.

"Well I wanted to see you. I rarely get the chance to see my lovely girlfriend." He replied back. I giggled. "So you are studying again." He asked me. "Yeah. I am. I'm studying to be a veterinarian. It's where I can save animals." I replied back. "So how's it going with you Primus." I asked him. "It's going well. Same old, same old. Fighting evil. And also with my brother." He replied back. "But he's been in slumber in the earth's core for quite some time. So I almost don't have to worry about it. But I actually do have to worry because I never know when he will wake up." He said and explained to me. "Yeah. I know but I hope he never wakes up. Or who knows what he will do." I replied back. "I know exactly what he will do my dear. He would try to destroy everything that I have created. And not only that he will try to destroy you." He said and explained to me.

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