Megatron's Twin Sister

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Story Requested By JodieBell3. I hope this works out.


(Throne Room)

Everyone was working in the throne room when they noticed Megatron's twin sister Eve walking in. They groaned. Because they really didn't like her and thought she was annoying. Eve looked at her brother's army. “Hey guys. Where's my brother?” I asked them. “He's in outer space.” One replied back. Everyone laughed. I looked at them. “Guys. I'm serious. Where's my brother?” I asked them. “If we did know. Why should we tell you.” The second soldier replied back. I grumbled. I went and I contacted my brother through the bond that we both shared as brother and sister. ‘Hey bro. Where are you? Your army is being a bunch of dickheads by not telling me where you are.’ I said and asked my brother. He soon responded back. ‘I'm at the energon mines. Anyways, I wouldn't mind the company down here. It's getting really boring.’ He replied back. I quickly ran off and went to the mine.

(Energon Mine)

(Energon Mine Tbl13)

Megatron watched his army extract the energon. When he soon heard giggling. He chuckled knowing who it was. He glanced and saw his twin sister. “Hey sis.” He said. “Hi brother.” I replied back. “So what happened back on my ship?” He asked me. “Your soldiers were being a bunch of dickheads when I asked them where you were and they gave me a stupid answer saying you were in outer space.” I replied back. Megatron rolled his optics. “I think I know why they are doing this. But I don't want to say it because it would hurt your feelings.” He said. “Just tell me brother.” I replied back. He sighs. “They think that you are annoying sis.” He said. I looked at him. “What. Why?” I asked him. He shrugged.

“To be honest, I really don't know.” He replied back. “But if they ever hurt you or touch you they will have to answer to me.” He said. I smiled and chuckled. “Yeah I know that for a fact because of Starscream.” I replied back. Megatron softly smiled. He only does it in front of his sister. “Yes. I remember that. It was a day that Starscream would never forget.” He said. I nudged my brother. He looked at me. “What.” He said. “Can I get an energon crystal?” I asked him. He shook his head and chuckled. “Fine. You can have one.” He replied back. He looked at his soldiers. “Soldiers. Get a fine energon crystal for my sister?” He asked them. I waited when the soldier walked over. I took the crystal but threw it at the soldier.

“That wasn't what I asked for. My brother said for you to get me a nice one. That one was small.” I said. Megatron glared at his soldier. The soldier cowered in fear and ran off to get a nice one. Soon after a while the soldier came back. I looked at it and smiled. “Thank you, soldier.” I said. I took the crystal. My brother looked at me. “Happy now sis?” He asked me. “Yup. Very happy.” I replied back. “Good. Anyways let's head back to the ship.” He said. He went and he contacted Soundwave. ‘Soundwave. I need a bridge.’ He said to Soundwvae through the com link. Soon a portal opened. We both walked through with the portal closing behind us.


(Throne Room)

The bridge opened in the throne room. We both walked out. Megatron looked and glared at his soldiers. “DECEPTICONS!” He shouted. They immediately jumped and stood tall. “Next time I hear you smart off to my sister. I swear I will have your heads. Is that CLEAR?” He said while shouting the last word. “I can't hear you. Speak up soldiers?” He asked them. “YES LORD MEGATRON!” They shouted back. “Good. Now get back to work.” He said. Everyone went back to work. Megatron walked out. I went and followed my brother.

(In The Halls)

“Hey brother. Can we do things that we used to do?” I asked him. He looked at me. He smirked. “I think I know what you mean.” He replied back. “You mean like where we both wrestle with each other right?” He asked me. I nodded. He quickly grabbed my hand and we pulled me to his chambers. We soon approached his chambers. The doors slid open. We both walked inside with the doors closing behind us.

(Megatron's Chambers)

Megatron locked his door. He went and he tackled me to the ground. “MEGS!” I shouted. We soon both started wrestling and tried to gain the upper hand. He looked at me. “Don't you dare try that move.” He said. I went and I kneed him in the groin. He groaned in pain. “Frag you sis. That was uncalled for.” He said. “Hey. It's one advantage to get an upper hand.” I replied back. He slowly got up, still groaning in pain. Megatron went and he quickly grabbed me and he held me in a deadlock. “What was that for?” I asked him. “You know why I did that, sis.” He replied back. “Anyways, say you are sorry sis?” He asked me. “Fine. I'm sorry brother.” I replied back. He let go and released his grip. I looked at him. I held my servo out. “Truce?” I asked him. He nodded. He shook my servo. “Truce sis.” He replied back. “You better head to your room and get some recharge.” He said. I nodded. “Don't worry, I will.” I replied back. I then walked out and headed to my room.

(In The Halls)

I walked in the halls heading to my room. I walked and approached my room. The doors slid open. I walked inside my room with the doors closing behind me.

(Your Room)

I sat my stuff down. I walked over to my berth. I laid down on my berth. I smiled and giggled inside. I turned over. Soon before I knew it. I fell into a deep recharge.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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