Optimus Prime X Femme

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(Autobot Base)

(Main Lobby)

You were sitting on the couch reading something when you felt arms gently wrapping around your neck. You smiled. You glanced up and she saw Prime's face. He looked at you and smiled. "Hello Y/N." He said. "Hi Prime." I replied back. He looked down and he saw you reading something. "What are you reading my dear." He asked me. "I'm reading something." I replied back. I looked back at the book. But he raised a brow. He quickly snatched the book out of my hands. "Hey!" I exclaimed. "Prime, give it back." I asked him. "Nope. Not until I see what you are reading Y/N." He replied back. I went and I tried jumping up and down getting the book back. But it wasn't working. I soon realized that I wasn't going to win this game. Prime looked at it.

His eyes immediately widened. "You're reading this stuff Y/N." He asked me. He looked at me. "Yes. Now give it back. It's so embarrassing, Prime." I replied back. I turned but he went and he gently grabbed me and pulled me closer to him. I looked at him. He looked at me. Soon we both started kissing each other. Soon we both back away. Soon Arcee ran in. "Prime. It's Megatron. He's at it again." She said to Prime. Prime groaned. He looked at you. "Y/N. I'll be back. You better be waiting for me." He said. I smiled. "Oh you betcha." I replied back. He chuckled. He kissed my cheeks. He then transformed into his biped mode. He then walked over. Ratchet opened a bridge. Prime and the rest walked through. Soon the bridge closed behind them.

It was just me and Ratchet now. Until the unexpected happened. "WHERE BACK!" The familiar voice shouted. Ratchet's head went up. I looked at Ratchet. And I knew he wasn't going to like this. He groaned. "No. Not her." He said while groaning. Soon the kids walked in and it was something Ratchet really didn't want. And that was Miko. She was fun and everything and very outgoing but she can be a little bit annoying at times. Miko and the rest of the two walked in. But Miko kept going on and on. I chuckled. "I'll be heading to mine and Prime's room. Have fun Ratchet." I said to Ratchet. He turned and he glared at me. "I hate you Y/N." He muttered back. "No you don't. Everyone loves me." I said. He shook his helm. I chuckled and I walked off.

(Prime's & Y/N's Room)

You were lying over the edge of your and Prime's berth and reading something when you heard the doors open to the room. You looked but saw Ratchet. I chuckled. "Can't handle Miko." I asked him. He shook his helm. "No. I can't. And I know you have a certain way." He replied back. I got up and walked and leaned out of my door. "MIKO!" I shouted. "YEAH!" She shouted back. "NO GAMES FOR 3 MINUTES!" I shouted. "WHAT! BUT WHY!" She shouted back. "BECAUSE I SAID SO. AND ACT LIKE AN ADULT AND NOT A CHILD!" I shouted. "Yes Y/N." She replied back. I looked at Ratchet. He chuckled. "Well that worked. I better get going. The rest of the team should be coming back now." He said. I nodded. He then walked out and headed back to the main lobby.

(Main Lobby)

Ratchet was in the main lobby when Prime requested a bridge. "Ratchet. We need a bridge." He said to Ratchet through the com link. He opened a bridge. And soon the rest of the team walked out. "Prime." He said. Prime looked at Ratchet. "Yes." He replied back. "Y/N is waiting for you. She's in her and your room." He said. Prime nodded and he walked off.

(Prime's & Y/N's Room)

I was sitting and waiting to tell Prime something. Because I know we did the intimacy thing about 3 days ago. I was waiting when I heard the doors open to the room. I looked and I saw Prime. "Hi Prime." I said. He smiled. "Hi my dear." He replied back. He walked inside and the doors closed behind him. "Prime. I have something to say." I said. "Oh. And what is that my dear." He replied back. I pulled out a box and I handed it to him. He took the box. He looked at me. "Open it Prime." I said. He sat down and he opened the box. He saw a little shirt that had the words I can't wait to see you. He tilted his helm. He took the shirt out but he looked and he saw a little thing at the bottom. He took it and he looked at it.

"Y/N. I know I am not human and I am still learning your things and customs. But what is this?" He said and asked me. "Prime. You remember what I bought yesterday?" I asked him. "Yes. I do." He replied back. "You said you need to get those, what was it again?" He asked me. I smiled. "Pregnancy test Prime." I replied back. His eyes immediately widened. He looked at the test. He looked and he saw 2 lines and they were right next to the words pregnant. "YES!!!!!" He shouted and he went and he quickly put them on the berth. He transformed into his human form and he hugged you. "I can't believe it. We're going to be parents Y/N." He said. "I know." I replied back. Soon we both had tears.

"Prime. Let's tell everyone tomorrow. It's really late." I said. He nodded. We both walked over to the berth. We both laid down. He pulled me closer to him. "Night Y/N. I love you my dear." He said. I smiled. "Night Prime. And I love you too." I replied back. We both kissed each other. And the kiss was endless. And the kiss was filled with passion. Soon we both moaned feeling each other's tongues exploring each other's mouths. But I soon felt his tongue curling upwards. Making my vision blurry. Soon we both back away. We both snuggled closer to each other. And soon before we knew it. We both fell into a deep and peaceful recharge. Knowing that we are going to be parents.

Words: 1,070

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