Unicron X Femme

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You were fighting a man. You went and you punched the guy. He went back. You growled. "Now hear this fleshling. If you touch me ever again. You will never hear the end of it." I said, giving him a warning. "Is that a threat girl?" He asked me. "Yes. It is. And I will show you." I replied back. Soon I showed my scary form. The man immediately was scared. "Uh. Okay. I'll leave you alone." He said. I nodded. I then walked off going into the darkness.

(Dark Forest)

I walked in the dark forest where no human walks or visits. I was walking when I saw a motorcycle coming my way. I immediately held my defense. Soon they came. They chuckled. "Need a lift." They asked. "No thank you. I can walk by myself." I replied back. "Majesty. It's me Sideways." He said. I sighed in relief knowing that it was only sideways and no one else. "Damn you Sideways." I replied back. "Don't do that again. I already almost killed a man for attacking me." I said and explained to him. I walked over and hopped on. "Let's go back to Unicron. I need to replenish my powers." I said. He nodded in his holoform that was with his motorcycle. He turned and drove off.

(On The Road)

"It feels weird. Even though I am human." I said. "I understand your Majesty. But you have become more immune to my master's dark energon that you need it to replenish some powers that my master has given you." He replied back. Soon after a while we approached where we could enter Unicron's Core. Sideways opened a door and soon he drove through. Soon the doors closed behind you both.

(Unicron's Core)

Sideways drove until he made it to his master's core. He stopped and he let you hop off. You hopped off and stretched your arms and legs. Sideways transformed and stretched his biceps. "Master. I am back. And I also brought back the queen." He said. He then walked off to work on his projects. Soon Unicron appeared. He looked at you. He frowned. "You almost don't look too well my love." He said. "Well, that's because I am almost not well." I replied back. He looked at you. "Oh. And why's that, my love." He asked me. "Well, it's because I had a fight with someone." I replied back. He growled. He walked over and checked you over. You groaned. He groaned back. "I am doing this to check if you are injured." He said. "I know that." I replied back. He looked and noticed a small bruise. He went and he healed it.

"So. Who did this to you?" He asked me. "To be honest I didn't know the guy. But he almost didn't do anything. I punched him before he got to me." I replied back. He chuckled. "I see. How about you challenge me?" He asked me. I looked at him. "Are you sure you want to?" I said and asked him. He nodded. "Yes. I do." He replied back. We both went and we stood in a stance. Soon we both charged. We went and we punched and everything that we did. Unicron went and soon he had you pinned to the wall. He went closer, having his breath on your neck. You moaned, feeling his breath on your neck. He chuckled. "You want me don't you." He asked me. I looked at him. He looked at me. I nodded. Telling him yes that I want him. He then went and he took us to my room.

(Your Room)

Warning: if you are under the age 18 please skip this. I didn't do a long thing I wanted to just make it short.

Unicron walked over and he gently laid you down on your berth. He slowly climbed on top of you. He went and he kissed you. You moaned once you received the kiss from Unicron. I was enjoying this until we both started. Unicron leaned forward and whispered in your ears. "Overload for me, my dear." He said and whispered in my ears. I moaned and I overloaded hard. Soon Unicron groaned and he released his seed deep inside your womb. He soon collapsed. He went and he slowly pulled out. He then laid next to you. "Get some rest my dear." He said. I nodded. I soon closed my eyes. And soon we both fell fast asleep laying right next to each other.

Words: 732

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