Smokescreen X Femme (Part 6)

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This story is requested by Frostbyte1508. I will be adding her name like this because she has requested the story. If some readers have a problem with it seeing like this throughout the other pages. Then keep your opinions to yourselves. This is my story and also Frostbyte1508 story. Because she requested. I write whatever I put on here and I write whatever Frostbyte1508 asks me to put on.

So enjoy the story. If you don't like the story. Then both me and Frostbyte1508 want you to leave. This is a place where I only want a positive attitude and other things. I don't want any negative attitude it will really tick me off and make me not write for almost a while.

Smokescreen X Femme (Part 6)


You were up. And you wanted to do the thing that you and your father always do in the morning. Go flying. You walked to your father's room. His doors opened to his room. But you didn't see him. You then walked to the throne room to see if he was there.

(Throne Room)

The doors opened to the throne room. You looked but you didn't see your father in the throne room. This started to worry you. You walked to the flightdeck to see if your father was there. You were hoping that he was there.


You walked out the flightdeck. You looked but you didn't see your father.

"Where are you daddy?" I said to myself.

You were about to walk off and ask Soundwave if he has seen your father. When you heard a voice coming from the top deck.

"No. Please, I don't want to do it." The voice said.

"That sounded almost like daddy's voice." I said to myself.

I walked over and I peeked looking over to the top deck and there he was. My father. But he didn't look like himself. And this worried me.

(Top Deck)

"No. Please I can't do it." Megatron said.

"You will and you must. Or you will endure eternal suffering." The voice said and replied back.

"No. No one tells me what to do. And I mean no one. No one tells Megatron what to do." Megatron said.

Megatron immediately screamed, feeling the pain.

You watched and you felt the pain you were receiving from your father through the bond that you both shared as father and daughter.

I slowly climbed up. Bracing myself. Because I didn't know what was going on or what was happening with and to my father. But I am willing and I am going to go whatever it takes to help him and save him. I can't lose him like I lost mom. He's all that I have. I transformed into my scary form.

"Dad." I said. Getting his attention.

Megatron quickly jerked his helm by hearing your voice. He was more worried about your safety now.

"L… leave… daughter." He said and replied back. His voice, almost changing.

"Mmm. I will get your daughter Megatron." The voice said.

Megatron gave a deadly growl.

"No. You will not harm my little girl. I won't allow it." He said and replied back.

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