Smokescreen X Femme (Part 3)

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This Story Is Requested By Frostbyte1508.

Smokescreen X Femme (Part 3)

(Your Room)

You were in your room sitting at your desk when you heard the doors open to your room. You looked and you saw your father.

Megatron walked in and he sat down on your berth.

"Y/D. I know you love and like… Smokescreen. But I need to speak to him personally." He said.

You looked at your father. And you were thinking that this was a bad idea.

"Uh. Father. I don't know. I know you too well. You will say things without thinking." I said to my father.

He scoffed.

"Well, you do the same thing to my child. So don't blame this on me. But I need to speak to Smokescreen. I… I want him to know what I mean and… feel I guess about this relationship." He replied back.

I looked at my pad. I sigh.

"Well, if I do let you meet up with my boyfriend. You promise that you won't say anything… stupid. Well you." I asked my father.

He looked at you.

"No. I will not. And I am not stupid my child. Just let Smokescreen know that I need to talk to him. Mech to mech." He said.

Megatron got up and walked out.

I saw my father walk out.

"Oh boy. Mech to mech. That can't be good." I said to myself.

I grabbed my pad and opened my call chat. Soon he answered.

(Call Between You And Smokescreen)

"Hey sweet cheeks." He replied.

"Hi. Look. I may not have good news." I replied back.

He looked at me.

"Is there good news?" He asked me. "Because I hope so. But if not. Let me hear the bad news first." He replied.

"Well, my father wants to meet up with you. He said he wants to talk to you. Mech to mech. Whatever that means." I replied back.

He gulped.

"Uh…" he chuckled nervously. "Your father won't kill me will he." He asked me.

I shook my helm.

"No. I hope not. But I will make sure that he won't." I replied.

He nodded.

"Good. Because I don't want to die." He replied back.

"Smokescreen." Said a voice.

"Oh who's that." The voice asked Smokescreen.

"Hi cutie, what's your name?" The figure asked me.

Smokescreen pushed the figure away.

"Uh. She's just a friend, Wheeljack." He replied back to Wheeljack.

"Yeah. A friend. But soon a friend will become a girlfriend." He replied back to Smokescreen.

He shook his helm. He looked back at you.

"I'll chat with you later, Y/D." He replied.

I nodded.

(Call Between You And Smokescreen Ends)

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