Predaking X Femme

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You were standing on the flightdeck when you heard loud peds. But four. Soon you felt a head rubbing against your cheeks. You slowly turned and saw your lover. You smiled. "Hello my handsome Predacon king." I said. He purred and made noise. He then transformed into his Predacon biped mode. You smiled. "Hmm. I love your Predacon biped mode." I said. He chuckled. "I am glad." He replied back. "And I'm glad I have found a lover who is the best queen of the Predacons." He said. I smiled. "I know. But it's a shame I am human and not a Predacon." I said. He looked at you. He couldn't believe what he just heard coming out of your mouth. He bent down to your level. He sighs.

"My queen. I love you just the way you are. And so does your father. It wouldn't change anything if you are a Predacon. I will still love you no matter what." He replied back. I smiled. We were looking at each other when we heard a voice. And Predaking didn't like it. And he knew who the voice was and who it belonged to. "How disgusting." The voice said to me and Predaking. We both turned and we saw Starscream. Predaking stood up. He walked in front of you. "Stand back Starscream. I'm warning you." He said, giving Starscream a warning. Starscream chuckled. "Oh really and what are you going to do about it?" He asked him. "This." He replied back. Predaking transforms and he slams his head hard into Starscream's face and helm.

Starscream immediately went down. I laughed seeing what my lover did to Starscream. I walked over and scratched underneath my lover's chin. "Who's a good lover?" I said. He purred, making a loving sound of affection to me. "Let's go, my king. He's really not worth it." I said. "And next time, Starscream. Stay away from us or I will get my dad." I said to Starscream. "No. Please no. Not him. Anything but him." He replied back. "I don't know. Because my father can hear really well. He's actually the eyes and ears around the ship." I said and explained to him. "Yeah. I know. I ain't that stupid. But it's still disgusting that he has a daughter who is human." He said. I ignored him. Soon Predaking and I both walked off heading to the throne room.

(Throne Room)

Soundwave was at his station when he heard the doors open to the throne room. He looked and he saw you with Predaking. You walked over to your father. Soundwave went and he ruffled his digits in your hair. Messing your hair up. He knew you didn't like it. But you both always made it to where it was fun. You pushed your father's servos and digits away. "Dad. Look what you did. You messed up my hair." I said. He chuckled. "Oops. Sorry. My bad." He replied in a voice recording. He then looked at the computers. "I saw what happened on the flightdeck." He said. "Oh." I said. "Yes. Oh." He replied back. "And Predaking." He said. "Yes, Soundwave." He replied back.

"Thank you for protecting her. I had some doubts about you. But I can see you really care about her and that you love her and I thank you." He said. "You're welcome, Soundwave. I really love your daughter. And I will do anything to protect her." He replied back. Soon we both heard the doors open to the throne room. We looked and we saw our master. I ran over. "Hi master." I said. Getting his attention. He looked down and he saw you. He smiled. "Hello Y/N." He replied back. He walked over and he sat down on his throne. I walked over to my master. "Master. Guess what." I said and asked him. He chuckled. "What." He replied back. "Predaking slammed his head hard into Starscream's head, knocking him down." I said. Megatron chuckled.

"Yes. I actually had seen that before." He replied back. I then walked over to my father. "Dad." I said. Getting his attention. He looked at me. "Yes Y/N." He replied back. "Is it okay if I go and hangout with my lover dad?" I asked him. He looked at me. He then looked at Predaking. He sighs. "Yes." He replied back. "Yes!" I exclaimed. He chuckled. I ran over and my father lifted me up and hugged me. I groaned. "I am a big girl dad." I said. He chuckled. "I know that. But you are still little to me." He replied back. Soundwave walked over to Predaking still holding you. Predaking transformed into his Predacon form. Soundwave went and he sat you down on Predaking's back.

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