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George rolled through the gate and into Zone 3. A stillness hung in the air. Not a sound could be heard apart from distant traffic, which was slowly being drowned out by wind whistling through the tall pines as George got deeper and deeper into the woods. The sun had set hours ago; at was a short, frigid early March evening, dark as night.

Rose was driving slowly behind him, her engine rumbling softly. She had volunteered to come along with him during the evening property patrol right away. Odd, really. She's been giving me and Kimberly nasty looks for months now. Maybe she just wanted to get out for a little bit, and this was her chance. He didn't even blame her. With Robert's twin girls and his two young sons, the main facility was almost always bustling and chaotic. And to think, she wants to add to it. She wants another kid with Oliver. George was starting to think he'd never accept.

"Aren't you gonna say something?" He heard Rose's brakes squeak behind him, so he turned to face her.

"Say what?" he asked. The moonlight had dappled her hood as it strained to reach her through the dancing pine needles and branches. She's beautiful. I'm not an ass for saying that, and I'm not unfaithful to Kim. She's... just... beautiful.

"Why the hell do you look at me like that?" she snapped.

"Like what, Rose?" I didn't do anything wrong.

"Like you're still in..." Her voice trailed off, and she focused the glow of her headlights downwards. "I'm not saying anything. Never mind. Turn around and let's finish this patrol."

George bounced his springs. "Sure." She still hates me. It's not my fault. It can't be.

He approached the building, making a slow loop around it. Keep up, Rose. She was trailing behind, so he slowed allowing her to catch up.

"George... can we stop a minute?" she asked.

He turned to face her. "Are you okay?" It's not like her to want to spend any more time near me than what's necessary. In fact, I can't remember the last patrol we went on together.

"I'm fine, it's just... I just need someone to talk to."

Unusual. But I'll take it. He shifted his wheels, settling into the freezing dirt. "You can tell me anything. I'm listening."

"C-can we go into the building?" Her frame was shivering slightly, and she wouldn't meet his gaze.

"Of course. I can't feel my wheels anymore." He tapped her softly. "Go on. Go ahead of me."

Rose whirled around, and instantly he drank in her sweet, warm scent. She's intoxicating. But I'm married to Kim now.

George followed her into the building, where her scent tempted him even more, not blown away by the chilly breeze. And there was that soft rumbling of her exhaust, too. This brings back so many memories. It's all so bittersweet. But life is different now. I have two sons with Kim.

Rose turned around to face him at the end of the building. "Do you remember when Christian died?"

"Of course I remember when Christian died. It was one of the saddest days of my life. Why?"

She was shivering, but she managed to speak. "You... you promised you'd always... be by my side."

Did I? "Rose, I-"

She stared him directly in the headlights. "You didn't mean it. I know."

"That's not true. At the time, I really thought-"

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