Chapter 20

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"That was it?" Casey asked. "Now we just have to sit here, and... watch?"

"Exactly," Edward replied. His gaze was fixed on the two human workers who were trimming leafy bushes alongside the tall white fence.

"Wow," Casey murmured. "And this is important work?"

"All work is important in its own way. Don't let the big-headed guys, like John and Mike, try to convince you they're any more important than anyone else. They're not. They're just too dumb to realize it."

"Oh." Casey giggled. "Dad showed me this property yesterday. He says it's the smallest one."

"It probably is. There have been complaints in the past of it being neglected, but it's easy to overlook. And the residents here, for whatever reason, are a particular bunch."

It doesn't seem like such a bad place! "Are we doing anything after this?" she wondered.

"I have a property patrol to complete," Edward answered. "You don't help out with those yet, so you're free to go back to the main facility after. I think your dad mentioned having you help Rose with something later on, once midday break is over."

"What's Rose doing?" Casey asked. "And why can't I watch a property patrol? It seems easy enough! I've already driven around most of the properties with my dad yesterday."

"You know, you remind me of your father when he was starting out." The old van's headlights glinted. "You'll learn all there is to learn in due time. The pace is slow around here for beginners. It'll pick up as you go on."

So he's not gonna answer my question! Is it more secret, dangerous stuff? How dangerous could patrolling properties be? "What about Rose; what's she doing?"

"Transporting some of the drivers to deliver paperwork. And there are three of them, so she can't do it on her own. Have you ever had a person drive you before?"

"No," she murmured. That'll be weird!

"It's no big deal, really. They're small, and light. And he'll probably do the driving for you, so you won't have to worry about anything. It's something to get used to, but you'll be fine."

"Okay..." Casey decided not to let her fears and nervousness get in the way of this. She didn't even let Cassie's avoidance bother her these days. She had work to do, and that was all she had allowed herself to think about. It was surprisingly easy to stay distracted when she was so busy and important.

"Uncle Ed," she said suddenly.


"Did you grow up in the main facility, like me and Cassie did? You had to have, right? Carol's your mom-"

"Yeah, I did." He shifted his wheels. "Why?"

"Oh, I was just wondering. Did you grow up alongside Rose? Were you close in age?"

"No; we're two years apart."

So he wouldn't understand my worries. "Oh."

"Why all the questions, kiddo?"

"I was just curious is all. It's just hard for me, having a place in the fleet and knowing Cassie doesn't. Dad says he's going to take me to get my decals on by the end of this work week, and... it's just becoming so real, so suddenly. I still can't believe it's actually happening, even after all those months of knowing."

"Cassie will be fine," said Edward softly. "She's going to go to a dealership soon, and find owners. Maybe, she'll even get a more important job than you." He chuckled softly, tapping her with a wheel. "You know, it's no use worrying about the things we can't control. I used to worry a lot, too. I worried about my family; especially my two little sisters. But the worrying didn't matter. It didn't help."

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