Chapter 15

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"Meeting's tonight, by the way, John." Robert met his brother's gaze as they parked outside the main offices.

"For Bryan?" John asked.

"Yes. You know how these meetings go. Everyone will say some positive things about him, we'll vote on his position even though I already plan to have him train in security... then he'll take his oath."

"Then he can turn into a prick just like his brother, once the power gets to him."

"Don't say that." Robert nudged John playfully. "We're all pricks here, aren't we?"

"Oh, each and every one of us." He snorted, shifting his tires. "Carol hit me yesterday, and Darryl looked ready to. I don't see the harm in playing a little joke on the new kid, especially when you ended up with a nice clean garage."

"I didn't mind it, actually." Robert didn't want to be the sort of boss who looked down upon every slight wrongdoing, or didn't let his fleet have any fun. As long as they weren't hurting anyone, he didn't see the harm in a joke or two.

"So," John continued, "Bryan's got a number two on his fenders now?"

"Yep. Just like Darryl."

"He better not think he can start barking out orders like Darryl does. I swear that guy's on a power trip. And he's older than me, so it's whatever. But if that little shit Bryan starts doing it, he'll have another thing coming."

"You only have to take orders from me," Robert instructed.

John snorted, headlights glowing with humor. "You know, I'm so glad I found you. This place is crazy. It's interesting, it's fun. It's a life I never could have had if I hadn't just gone the extra mile. I don't miss Rhode Island. I don't miss Kevin, or our dad. This place is awesome."

"I'm glad to hear it. And, just think, you've got about a year's experience now."

"How time flies."

Robert flicked his gaze to one of the workers, who was spreading the mulch they'd hauled over with a shovel. They were needed to give the men a ride back to the main facility when they were finished. Most of them were parking their personal cars in front of the garages these days. And I've already informed my fleet not to say too much to them. It's easy to get carried away, since they're owned by government officials. But, they didn't have the official license plates, and they weren't used for any government jobs the way Kimberly was. She hardly ever spends a night at her owner's house anymore, but she sure is needed around the main facility. Her driver drove her back and forth all the time.

"So..." John nudged Robert with his wheel. "You gonna hire some new girls soon? You know, girls who aren't my nieces?" He snorted. "I want a girlfriend. Like, a sporty coupe or something."

"What's a sporty coupe gonna do for the housing authority?" Robert huffed. "But, seriously, all I can tell you is I trust you enough to date outside the fleet if you want."

"I know, I know." He shifted his big wheels. "I can see why it wouldn't work out for other reasons, though. I mean, we're so busy all the time, and the life we lead is so separate from that of the outside world. I'm gonna get straight to the point... I forget Rose is married sometimes. I saw the guy come to visit her maybe once. And she spends most of her weekends here, with everyone else."

He's right. Oliver never stops by anymore. But I was married to someone who wasn't a fleet truck... "Date someone whose owner lives in the main facility. Or, try."

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