Chapter 28

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"This is where the human workers keep most of the tools." Carol slowed to a stop beside a raggedy looking shed at the main facility. "Us Light Duties stop by here from time to time, but not as often as the Equipment Officers. We do more work in the winter, when it comes to plowing snow. Often, one of us is tasked with towing that little flatbed trailer in the main facility."

"What do you tow with it?" Cassie asked, shifting her wheels.

"Lawnmowers, sometimes old furniture on junk patrol days like today. Ladders, too, though sometimes we can fit those in our beds."

"Oh. So, are you helping with the junk patrol today?" It was Cassie's second day training, (yesterday she had followed Rose around) and she was already eager for it to get more interesting.

"Yes, I am. John will be there, too. You just have to follow us around."

"Easy enough." When will the interesting stuff start? When will I get to see more of what Casey showed me? Her sister wouldn't explain anything. In fact, it had been hard getting a word out of her at all these days. She was still under supervision, for another week. It's kind of like luck is finally working in my favor lately.

"So, let's get back to the garages now, and see if John's ready," said Carol. "Any questions?"

"Nope." Carol had already taken her to several of the other properties today. They were all similar to this one in a way. Just boring apartment complexes. I want to see more of the top secret stuff.

They rolled behind the garages, where a few of the trucks were gathered. Cassie stole a glance at Thor, resting in the shadows beside one of the garages. He seems like such an outsider lately. And he looks bored out of his mind! His parents had to send him off to a dealership soon. It seemed torturous for them to keep him here much longer.


By that afternoon, the junk patrol with Carol and John was finished. Cassie felt like she hadn't really learned anything, and all the shadowing almost felt useless. It's not like I'm going to be an Equipment Officer, or a Light Duty Hauler, or an HDT! Why do I have to learn from them? And she wasn't even done with HDT yet. She would have to shadow John exclusively tomorrow, so he could teach her everything he knew. What she really wanted was a minute alone with Michael, but he was still too important for her.

I should try and talk to Casey again, before the day's over. It was hard getting her sister alone these days. As soon as she got back from Zone 1 with Darryl and Bryan, their dad took her straight into the garage for the night. I need to catch her in between, or maybe just ask Dad for a few minutes with her. He couldn't say no to that, could he?


"Wait, Dad." Cassie stopped him when he was about to head in with Casey. The sun had just crested the rooftops, and darkness had fallen over the main facility.

"What is it, Cassie?" Her dad faced her.

"Can I talk to Casey? Please?"

"No." He stiffened his springs.

"Just for a minute?" she whined. "I haven't gotten to talk with her in a week."

"Fine," he grunted. "Make it quick."

Finally. She watched her dad rumble off to the side, and mutter a few things to her mom.

Now to see if Casey actually wants to talk with me. Cassie rolled into the garage. Her sister was sitting in the shadows, headlights dull and expressionless.

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