Chapter 3

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I can't believe Cassie would do that, Casey thought. I can't believe she'd get herself in trouble, then blame it on me! Casey had taken the blame, though, so the bitterness she felt was partially her fault. At least I wasn't punished for it.


Already a month had passed. The business in the fleet finally seemed to have settled down.

"This game is for babies," snorted Blade. "I can't believe my parents made me come along."

"Shh," hissed Cassie. "He'll find us right away."

"Aren't you too old for hide-and-seek?" Blade mumbled.

"Aren't you too old for complaining?" snapped Casey. We never get to spend a lot of time with Dad. He's always too busy to play with us.

"You could have picked a harder to find hiding spot, don't you think?" Casey's dad rolled up on them. "You know you stand out next to all the green trees, because you all are red." He chuckled softly.

At least he seems happy. "Can we play again?" Casey asked.

"If Blade wasn't with us, you wouldn't have found us so easily," snorted Cassie.

"Fair point," said Blade. "Can I go now, Uncle Rob?"

Her dad looked at him. "You know, your dad sent you off for a reason. Why don't you take it up with him?"

"Yeah, I will." Blade rolled back to the garages.

"Can we play one more time, Dad?" asked Casey. "Please? You're always too busy to play with us."

"That's why there are other kids around, Casey." Her dad lowered his gaze. "But, fine. One more round of hide-and-seek if you girls promise not to go far. And you're not allowed anywhere near the road, or too far off the road. You know, I wish Mom would play with you sometimes. It tires me out."

"Mom tells us stories," said Cassie.

"Why don't we go back to the main facility and see if she wants to tell more stories, then?" The dump truck's headlights lit up.

"But you promised us one more round," Casey protested.

"You did," Cassie pointed out.

"Fine. But, remember the rules. You two are still small. I'll be waiting near the garages."

"You have to count to a hundred this time," said Cassie.

"Fine. I'll count to one hundred." He turned and rolled off towards the garages.

"Let's go!" squealed Casey. "Near the field this time."

"But he says we stand out too much where it's green," Cassie said.

"Let's go where there are lots of leafy branches we can hide behind, then." Casey headed off towards the little grass path that led to the open field. They weren't allowed in the field, of course, but they could hide behind the trees that surrounded it. He'll never find us there.

They rolled up into the grass where the curb vanished, heading under some bushy maple trees.

"What if he never finds us?" Cassie was giggling.

"Then we'll come out and surprise him." Casey paused. "Or, one of the other trucks might find us."

"Like who?" Cassie glanced at her, headlights flickering.

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