Chapter 17

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CV was headed over to Zone 1 on that late June morning, on her property patrol with Kimberly. Being second-in-command came in handy when she got to choose the car she patrolled with. Kimberly was eager and chatty, (maybe a little too much) but she never complained.

"That Bryan is such a sweetheart," she was murmuring as they rolled through the gate that guarded Zone 1. "I mean, he's kind as could be, but then he's shy, and that worries me. Will he ever open up? Everyone needs someone to confide in."

"He's got his brother working alongside him," said CV. "He's not shy of his own brother."

"Sure, but I don't think they confide in each other. Males, you know? Always underestimating the importance of talking through their feelings. I think it's why some of them are so angry all the time – but Darryl's a little better. I like that about him. If something's going on with him, he'll talk to me about it. He's got an almost feminine air to him – but not in a bad way-"

CV nudged her gently as they approached the security building.

"What?" Kimberly snapped.

"Do you want Darryl to hear you talking about him?" CV whispered.

Kimberly bounced her springs. "I don't really care."

They drove through the open door, approaching Darryl, who sat at the end.

"Where's Bryan?" CV asked.

"You haven't introduced him to the dogs yet, have you?" Kimberly questioned.

"Oh, it's happening today." Darryl turned to face her. "He's with Michael now, exploring the outside parts of Zone 2, under Carol's supervision. Robert was a little worried Mike might give in to his whining and show him something he's not supposed to see yet. So, he entrusted Carol with making sure that didn't happen. But, as soon as they're done, Bryan's heading over here, to have his first look inside."

"Great!" Kimberly exclaimed. "Can I be here for it? There's still a lot about that kid that I have yet to figure out, and I'm sure he'd be more chatty today, since you're showing him something as exciting as this."

Darryl's gaze was fixed on Kimberly, headlights glowing warmly. "Yes, Kimberly, you can stay after your patrol. That is, if CV wants to finish on her own."

"I'll go with her to Zone 2, at least," said Kimberly. "Then I'll come back with Bryan when he's finished."

"Good." Darryl shifted his wheels, seeming satisfied.

These two make a great team, thought CV. Kimberly seemed to be the only one who really got Darryl. They're a little like... platonic soulmates, she thought with a giggle.

"CV." The minivan turned to face her. "Let's go check on the dinkemorts. There's a new young one in here, and George named her Dimwit."

"That's really special," CV chuckled, turning to follow Kimberly back down the hall.

"Isn't she cute? In an ugly sort of way?" Kimberly giggled, stopping by an enclosure that housed a reddish dinkemort. "She's a less common subspecies – a ruddy dinkemort."

"Aww," CV cooed. "Don't tell me they're gonna do any experiments on this little one?"

"Nope; they're keeping her alive. She's the only ruddy that we have."

"Good." I still think those experiments are cruel. CV kept quiet about it now, since that incident years ago when her loyalty had been doubted. It seemed so far behind her now, but remembering Robert's lack of faith in her still stung her.

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