Chapter 24

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"You have to wait here," explained Bryan.

Casey stopped in the forest clearing. "Why?" she asked. "I've been training for a few weeks. Can't I just see what's in there?"

"Not until your dad says it's okay. And that has yet to happen." Pity flickered in his gaze before he turned around, rolling over to the building.

This was Casey's first look at Zone 1. She knew there were secrets within the walls of that large security building. Dangerous secrets, ones that would get her in serious, serious trouble if she shared them with anyone who wasn't a government official. Do they not trust me yet? She could hear Darryl and Bryan's voices from inside. And, she didn't dare move, though she could see what looked like chain link fence behind the building; rows of it. Cages? Is it some sort of animal?

It wasn't her time to find out yet. She didn't even let herself think about it too much. It felt forbidden to even wonder.

Bryan was supposed to be picking something up from here, then transporting it to Zone 2, where Michael stayed. Casey hadn't seen that yet either. Yet Cassie followed him there, pretending to be me. It still made her fluids boil up inside her. I've forgiven her, and we talk occasionally, but that's it. That's it until Mom and Dad send her off to a dealership. Casey would miss her sister dearly, but she knew now that she'd be happier without Casey in her life.

A noise startled her, and she turned to see Rose heading down the path. "Casey," she murmured. "Not allowed in yet?"

"Not yet." Casey twitched her side mirrors. "I'm shadowing Bryan. Well, sorta. But he's still in training himself, and I'm not even allowed to know what he's transporting, so I don't feel like I'm learning anything."

"It's for the best, dear," Rose assured her. "Learning is best not rushed. Hey, how's that Bryan treating you? He's such a sweet boy, isn't he?"

Casey's side mirrors grew hot. "He's cool," she murmured.

"Well, I've got to go inside now. I'm on cleaning duty for the TS Zones until you've seen all of it. Well, Kimberly and I are splitting the task. Between you and I, I can't wait till you start cleaning these TS buildings yourself." She giggled softly. "It's not even that it's a bad, or difficult job! It's just... Kimberly. I just want to work alone, you know?"

Rose and her gossip. "As soon as my dad starts letting me see all the top secret stuff..." Casey shifted her wheels. "I'll be cleaning all the TS buildings, as well as the garages. You know, there isn't much for me to do yet. I mostly just follow trucks around, feeling useless. My dad says to just wait, and that my work will pick up."

"Oh, it will. You know you've done a fantastic job already. All our garages at the main facility are spotless."

"Even John's?" Casey giggled.

"Oh, it doesn't stay that way for long. I have to get inside now." She paused. "I can't stand being around Darryl either," she hissed, "but, if I just had to clean Zone 2 for Mike all day, I think I could handle that." She finally turned and rumbled to the security building.

Casey let out a sigh. Even Rose likes Mike! I don't think Darryl's that bad, though. And Kimberly's so nice to me.

Finally, she caught sight of Bryan rolling out. She could see some wooden crates in his bed.

"Off we go," he muttered, rolling past her.

Now that he was in front of her, Casey could see that there were holes in the two wooden crates. They were too tiny for her to be able to make out what was inside them. And I wouldn't dare ask.

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