Chapter 4

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Finally. I'm alone. CV stared out into the open field, and at the glistening, clear night sky. These past few months had been a whirlwind of confusing emotions. I don't know where the emotions come from, or why I feel them. I don't really know who I am. Or who I'm supposed to be.

She had met with VB a couple months ago, in January. She had told him about BJ, their son who had died. And that was it. I haven't seen him since. So why do I still feel guilty about it? Why do I still think about it?

"I thought you'd be here tonight." Robert's voice nearly made her leap out of her shocks.

"What is it, Rob?" Everything's okay back home, right?

"I was feeling lonely away from you," he admitted, taking in a breath. "It's such a beautiful night. I missed the spring."

How did this happen? How did a guy who was so cold and broken a year or two ago suddenly become so sweet, and so strong?

"You don't have much to say." He touched his wheel to hers.

"Sorry," she mumbled. "It is beautiful."

"There's nothing to be sorry for," he said softly. "You know, Darryl's talking about leaving."

"Really?" Not surprising. And I guess I won't miss him much. But I know him and Robert do a lot of things together.

"He told me to start looking for a new Security Officer this year."

"Well, you have eight months to go, right?" He worries too much.

"Yes. Yes, I do. And there are things I wanted to ask you, too, CV."

"Oh?" What could this mean?

"Yes. You've been loyal to me, and supportive no matter what. And it's not just because I love you more than anything... well, maybe it is, but..."

"Spit it out," she giggled. He couldn't be... asking me to marry him, could he? Asking me to replace Christian? So I can finally forget about her?

"I'll spit it out when I'm ready." He shuffled his wheels. "I think you're more deserving of this than anyone else."

More deserving of what? More deserving than Christian?

"And," he continued, "maybe I'll get judgment for it, but I really don't care. We've known each other a long time... long enough, definitely."

He's a fumbling mess. "Just say it, Robert."

"CV, will you... will you become my second-in-command?"

Oh. Her joy crumpled and was swept out of her like a piece of paper in the wind. Second-in-command? What does that even mean? "R-Robert, I'm a lowly Equipment Officer," she sputtered. "I'm not deserving of this, and I never was. Give it to George. Please."

"No," he gasped. "I'm giving this opportunity to you. You're the one I'll need to confide in when Darryl's gone. You're the one I want to turn to whenever I need a fresh perspective."

"You and George are best friends, you've known him for way longer, and he's older than you are. If you want someone to confide in, make it be him."

"But I'm choosing you." His gaze hardened.

"And if you're going to choose an Equipment Officer, make it Edward! He's also older, and smarter. Even Rose has more experience than me. Reconsider this, Robert." She turned around, heading onto the road. I can't do that. I can't take up such a high position, one that I know I don't deserve. I'm probably the least important truck in the whole fleet.

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