Chapter 2

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"Things are not looking good for you, Mike." Robert circled around him. "You let Casey wander off on her own, and I have reason to believe you were at least partly responsible for last night's incident." Robert was questioning each truck who wasn't in the main facility that night separately. He needed to find out who was responsible for the barrunge that had escaped, putting the dent in Rose's door. He had taken Michael to Zone 1 first, directly outside the building, to question him alone.

"I still don't see why Darryl can't go back on the footage," Michael groaned. "I'm telling you, I was in Zone 2 during that time. Whoever approved that barrunge being housed in that enclosure did not bring it up to me."

"But you did request a barrunge to be transported there just a day before." Robert stared him in the headlights.

"Yes, to the pit." Michael met his gaze evenly. "And if you want to go even further back, you're the one who purchased the thing from the higher officials last week."

"Because one of the barrunges from the pit grew old and died." How dare he try to turn this around on me? "Obviously, there was a miscommunication somewhere, and somebody forgot that barrunges are much stronger than other dog species, and they spit acid."

"Maybe someone thought this one had its acid organ removed."

"But it didn't. That thing could have killed Rose and George, then went on a rampage. How would you feel then?"

Michael lowered his gaze. "It wouldn't be my fault, because I didn't do this."

Robert huffed. "Who transported the thing?"

"How should I know? There could be human officials involved, too."

"And Kimberly's driver is questioning each and every one of them, but it's my job to look after the fleet, and, unfortunately, clean up their mistakes. Darryl said he'd go over the security footage tonight, but there's no guarantee that we'll find anything."

"That's what he told you?" Michael snapped. "The entirety of Zone 3 is monitored, every inch of it."

"But the footage clears itself frequently, according to Darryl. It's not all stored, and the inside of the building takes less priority."

"So, we can still see someone driving in with the creature. We can at least rule some trucks out for now, right?"

"Yeah. CV was with me during the time it would have been transported. It was a risky transport, so it happened after dark. The Van family was all there, in the main facility, together. I can't say for sure about you, George, or John, but Darryl already told me he was here at Zone 1 the entire time." Someone needs to fess up. "You were the one responsible for choosing a truck to transport this thing."

"I didn't give out names! I asked Darryl who he thought was best for it, and he said he could handle it from there."

"He said he could handle it?" I know for sure Darryl wouldn't jeopardize the security of our company. "So Darryl officially took over the project from there?"

"I-I don't know. I just know he was the one who sent the truck out to pick up the dog, either that or he transported it himself."

"He was in Zone 1 the whole time, so he couldn't have transported it himself." Robert sighed. "You don't trust Darryl, do you? I've known him most of my life. He's been serving this company for fourteen years. Although I disagree with him on a lot of things, I don't doubt his loyalty to the company."

"Neither do I, sir." Michael lowered his gaze. "But... but you have to consider his age. He's loyal, of course, but he can be forgetful, right?"

"Darryl never was forgetful. Or negligent."

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