Chapter 22

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"Don't you realize that Casey thinks she's too special for us now?" Cassie snapped.

Thor didn't answer, but he shifted his wheels uneasily.

It had been two weeks since Casey had become officially part of the fleet. Two weeks that Cassie had to watch her come and go, while she sat around the main facility, doing nothing. It made her feel younger, and less important, even though she was the same age as her sister. I should be doing things, too.

Just now they had watched Casey leave with her dad after midday break, and she had barely exchanged a word with Cassie or Thor. Becoming one of them must mean she's no longer one of us, Cassie thought. Thor was somehow still optimistic. He craved any bit of attention Casey would give him, and sucked it up voraciously. Cassie thought he should just move on. He should find someone willing to appreciate him... someone who wasn't part of the fleet. But not me. I'm after Michael, whether Casey likes it or not. It'll be the best form of revenge. She just had to get him to like her. He was a stupid male; how hard could it be? And, she had Thor to lead on, and learn from. She would have Michael in no time.

"I wish you'd stop... draining me of hope," Thor spoke up suddenly.

"I'm doing nothing of the sort!"

"But you are. You're trying to. And it's not working. It's not going to."

"Then why let it bother you?"

"Who says I am?"

"You brought it up! You know, you're more annoying than your dad sometimes."

"Like that's saying a lot!" snorted Thor. "Have you been listening to Rose a lot lately?"

Rose? "What are you talking about?"

"She always calls my dad annoying."

Cassie turned away from Thor. He's hellbent to argue, so I'll let him argue with himself if he wants to, but I'm done talking to him.

"Hey, why's Mike still hanging around?" Thor had rolled back over to her.

"Would you leave me alone?" she hissed. Wait, what did he say? She glanced around the lot to see Michael parked near one of the garages. The sun was glinting off his bright red paint. It hurts to look at him for too long.

"I never see the important guy without work," snorted Thor.

Why does he have a problem with Mike now? "So what? If you're that concerned, go up and ask him about it."

"No way," Thor scoffed. "He thinks he's better than me. I'm not wasting my breath on someone like him."

"Fine, then. I will." I'll make myself more likable than Casey. If it's going to be one of us, it has to be me. Cassie rolled up to Michael, finding a place to park beside him. Does my red glint the way his does? "Hey," she said.

"Hey." Mike shifted his wheels. "What's up? Is Thor boring you?"

I don't want to talk about him, in case he's trying to listen in on us. Thor looked casual, but Cassie knew his tricks. "What's up with you is the better question. Why aren't you working like the rest of them? Are you in trouble? Did you get punished?"

"No, stop it," he hissed. Cassie could see the glint in his headlights, though. He likes being teased.

"You did get punished, didn't you? Let me guess – Casey told on you for something?"

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