Chapter 14

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"Hey... we have a request for you. It's from Robert, of course." Cassie caught the sound of John's low tone from the back of the lot.

"What is it?" Bryan was shifting his wheels nervously.

That's odd, Cassie thought, glancing at Thor and Casey. They seemed to be thinking the same thing.

"His garage he usually sleeps in," said Mike, who was on Bryan's other side, "he wants it cleaned out."

John was snickering, and Michael gave him a shove.

"Why didn't he just ask me then?" Bryan glanced from his brother to the dump truck slowly.

"Because he's out doing other stuff right now," said John.

"Yeah," Michael agreed. "And it's dirty as hell, so you better start now."

"C-can't I have some help?"

Michael glanced at John, and Cassie thought she saw something flicker between them.

"He wants you to do it yourself," said Michael.

"Keep in mind it's probably never been cleaned," said John. "Imagine, years worth of dirt and mud, plus it smells like hot exhaust and rust in there. Good luck." He chuckled.

"Seriously?" Bryan groaned. "This better not be a joke."

"It's not," said Michael, stiffening.

"How does he expect me to clean it?" Bryan asked.

Michael glanced at John. "Just use one of the towels that's in there," he said. "Anyways, I have to get to Zone 2 now. Important TS stuff. It really can't wait."

"But I wanna hear about it! Can't you take me?"

"Sorry. You're not important yet." Michael turned to leave.

"Get to it, kid," said John, glancing at Bryan. "When you're finished, make a move on one of my nieces. They're staring at you." He jolted Bryan with his wheel before rolling off.

"You're trying to get me in trouble with the boss, aren't you?" Bryan called.

Cassie glanced at Casey, unable to hide her giggling. "Do you think Dad actually asked him to do that?" she asked.

"No way!" exclaimed Casey. "John and Mike are setting him up. We better tell him."

"Let's not get involved," said Thor quickly. "It'll be kinda funny to watch it all play out."

"But poor Bryan-"

"Shh!" Cassie snapped. "We don't want him to hear us now. Let's go chat with him."

Casey and Thor glanced at each other before following Cassie over to Bryan, who was scrubbing at the garage floor with a dirty towel. This is hilarious. And to think, he doesn't even know he's not supposed to be doing it! Cassie longed to be a part of this one day. The pranks I could pull on the new guys! I'd be way better at it than Mike and John. But, she would never get that. Instead, perfect Casey would get the position.

"Hey Bry." Cassie stopped near him. "Look at the mess you're in."

"Are you offering to help?" Bryan didn't look up from his work.

"No way!" She glanced at Casey and Thor. Come on, say something. Make this more interesting.

Thor rolled up. "Man, you're gonna be at it all day," he chuckled. "Sucks for you."

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