Chapter 9

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"Casey." Her dad's headlights were glimmering warmly.

I know what he's going to tell me. It's not something I want to hear! The other trucks were gathered around the main facility, too. It was just after closing time. Everyone was looking at Casey, and her dad. They all knew what was going to be said.

Casey wished she could flee. She wished she could break right through the chain link fence behind her and escape the lifelong trap she was in. The trap I didn't put myself in. My dad put me in it, and didn't give me a choice! I wouldn't mind if Cassie would be by my side. And I told him that! Her twin sister was nowhere to be seen now. She's hiding away. That's how upset I've made her!

Casey fixed her gaze on the sunken ditch in the back, filled with water that reflected off the afternoon sun. She let the rays blind her, hoping all this would just disappear.

"Casey," her dad repeated. "You're staring off into space."

Because I don't want this! Not if Cassie isn't here, by my side. She finally met her dad's gaze, ready to speak and tell him what she thought. He couldn't truly force her to work for him, could he?

"Casey, I've chosen you to be our new Maintenance Technician. Your training will start next month, but don't let that scare you. You'll learn gradually, and every truck here will do their share of helping you, all right?"

Casey's engine felt sunken. She turned to the fleet of familiar trucks, all gazing at her with warm, bright headlights. Some of them were murmuring soft congratulations to her. Somehow, though, none of that did anything to comfort her. Cassie's the one whose approval I should seek. She's the one I'm betraying by even accepting this! Her tiny intake felt like it was being squashed, suffocated.

"B-but Cassie," she sputtered. "What about Cassie? I wanted-"
"Don't worry about Cassie. She'll go to a dealership soon enough. She'll still be here throughout most of your training."

"But Cassie should be the one to work for you, if you can't pick both of us," she whined.

"I told you already I don't need two more cars in this fleet. I've done lots of expansions lately."

Whatever. I don't care. Casey whirled around and headed off to the double garage, searching for her sister.

"What are you doing in here?" Cassie snapped. "Go, take your victory. Suck up some of Mike's attention, while you're at it." She scoffed, turning to face the wall.

"But Cassie, it isn't like that!" Casey cried. "I didn't want this. Believe me, I don't have a choice! I wanted it to be us, together. If we can't do this together, I don't want it."

"Did you tell Dad that?" She still wouldn't look at her.

"No, but-"

"Then you're lying. Goodbye."

"But Cassie-"

"Goodbye! I want to be alone right now." She tapped the button that closed the garage door.

No! Casey thought. She could barely breathe. My sister hates me now! She's never going to talk to me again, and it's all Dad's fault! She couldn't make her father understand. No matter how hard she tried, he wouldn't see it the way she did. He was just trying to make his fleet more efficient. He wouldn't understand that Casey was afraid she'd just lost her sister forever. He'd try to be gentle, and reassuring. He'd promise Cassie would talk to her again. But that's not a promise he can keep. It's not his promise to make. I know how he is. Casey headed for her mother, bumping her wheel softly.

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