Chapter 10

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"You should talk to your sister. She's upset." Michael didn't look her in the headlights.

Of course he doesn't. He's too much of a wimp. Casey probably set him up to do this. "I have nothing to say to her," Cassie snapped.

"Really? You haven't spoken to her in a week."

"You're exaggerating. I've said a few things to her."

"What about an apology for shutting her out because of a decision she didn't even make? You wanna be mad at someone, be mad at your dad."

"Speaking of my dad, don't you have important things to do for him? I thought boys were going to stop annoying me the day Blade left here."

"I'm not a boy. I'm way older than you, and I suggest using some respect." Michael turned the other way.

He's so full of himself. How does Casey like him for anything more than his looks? Cassie almost choked. He's disgusting. She headed out of the garage, looking around the parking lot for Casey. I'll talk to her. I'll talk to her about how stupid Michael is, and how he can't mind his own business. She probably set him up to this.

Cassie spotted her sister sitting next to Thor on the far side of the parking lot, right in front of the little pond. So she's forming alliances with everybody now. It used to be just Casey and Cassie. They were closer to each other than anyone else at one point. But it's not my fault things have changed. Dad should have thought before giving her a position, and leaving me out. She approached her sister and the Chevy Colorado.

"You really embarrassed yourself and Michael, setting him up for that," she said, looking at her sister.

"Huh?" Casey's headlights darkened. "What did he do now? I'm not even talking to him."

"Really? He's getting overly involved, as usual. Dad should've never made him our babysitter all those times when we were little. Now he thinks it's his duty to solve all our problems. He's such an idiot."

Casey stared at her, headlights softening. "You know I'm sorry that Dad is making me do this, right?"

"I don't want to hear it." If she was actually sorry, she'd do something about it. She'd make it right. Dad can't force her to stay if she doesn't want to. We're going to be adults in just a few months.

"You're mad at Casey because your dad wants her to work here?" Thor broke in, giving Cassie a hard stare. "You should be congratulating her! She's your sister... I congratulated Blade when he had to go off to the dealership, even though it's not my time yet." Casey was bumping Thor sharply with her wheel, but that didn't stop him. He shook her off. "You're jealous, aren't you, Cassie?"

"It isn't like that! It's just that everyone loves Casey more, and that's how it's been all our lives." I'm done trying to hide it. I'm done pretending.

"That's nonsense," said Thor.

Casey pushed in front of the small pickup. "Cassie, you know I don't want this. You know I want it to be us, both of us, working here together. You realize if I could do anything to make that happen, I would?"

"I don't see you trying," she hissed. "You're too busy soaking up the attention from all the boys around here." Cassie glared at Thor.

"We're friends," Thor snapped. "And, if you'd quit being so bitter, maybe you'd be our friend, too."

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