Chapter 8

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Was it really a good idea for Robert to introduce that idea to the girls so early on? CV asked herself. All they'd done this last week was bicker, it seemed. And somehow I'm supposed to help Robert manage this fleet, as well as keep my girls in check. It seems that the older they get, the more difficult they become. Nothing could have prepared her for twins! When they weren't arguing, they were helping each other get into trouble. They went out for drives without telling anyone, leaving her and Robert to worry. And that's just the beginning, I'm guessing. It'll be months before they mature. Did Robert really think this through?

"Why do you look so worried?" Robert bumped her softly with his wheel.

They were sharing the tranquility of the golf course parking lot alone on this Friday evening.

"You know I'm just thinking about the girls," CV said, not meeting his gaze. "You still think Casey will be better for it?"

"Yes, but I haven't told her yet."

"Why Casey?" Cassie seems to want it more! Won't that make her more eager? Robert's always praised my eagerness.

Robert shifted his weight in the soil. CV noticed his mirrors twitch a little. He's uncomfortable. He doesn't want to answer my question. "Why Casey?" she repeated.

"Oh..." His voice trailed off. "I feel she'd be better suited for it. She's... a little less of a complainer... right?"

Does that make her more worthy than Cassie? "Have you even considered Cassie?"

"Sure." He scraped at the dirt with his wheels.

He's lying. He hasn't. But why not? "Don't you think Cassie seems a little more eager to be involved with us here? Maybe slightly more... mature... than Casey?"

"Maturity is just part of growth. Casey will grow into it just as Cassie has."

He favors Casey, doesn't he? CV had already considered all other possibilities over the months. She'd been beside him every step of the way, with all their other kids, and never had he favored one over the other. So what is it about Casey? Am I imagining it? Favoring one of his kids is so not Robert! He never even favored Rita... though she's Christian's. But, he could favor Christian over CV. But that didn't mean he was capable of it with one of his own daughters, right?

"Don't look so worried," Robert said. "I'm fleet manager here, and I'm trying to make the best decision for the fleet. I'm also trying to choose what's right for our daughters. It's not easy, especially when neither should take priority over the other."

Should I just trust that he's telling the truth? "They still have two months till they start training, right?" she asked.


"You need to consider Cassie as well. You need to consider her just as much as you've considered Casey. I'm your second-in-command, and I'm supposed to help you make decisions, right? Well, now I am. I'm telling you not to make a decision until you've given both the girls an equal shot at this. Okay?"

"You're right, CV." He took in a breath. "I'm glad I chose you as my second-in-command. It was the right thing to do."

"And if you're worried about complainers, think about George."

"He's not exactly-"

"I knew you'd make excuses for him!" CV snapped. "The difference between his complaining and Cassie's complaining is that she's still a kid. She still has time to grow up."

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