Chapter 21

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"This will be the final position you shadow until you're sworn in," CV said, looking at her daughter. They were parked behind the garages together as the sun crested the rooftops.

The week is nearly over. On Friday, they would hold the meeting that officially made Casey one of them. She's gotten so far, and I'm proud.

"Uncle John better not make me actually do anything," said Casey, giggling. "I'm not strong enough to be an HDT."

"You'll just have to watch him," CV told her. "It's nothing, really. If he gives you a hard time, you tell me." She laughed to show she was joking around. Robert's younger brother loved Casey and Cassie, and was always kind to them.

"So, I'm not training with anyone tomorrow?" Casey asked.

"Not technically." CV shifted her wheels. "You're going to practice some cleaning, though, and Dad's going to go over what he expects of you as our new Maintenance Technician. It's no big deal, really. He's got it all planned out, and you'll have days, weeks, even, to learn how it'll go, and get yourself into a schedule."

"Cleaning is going to be super easy. As long as Uncle John doesn't keep tracking dirt and mud into all the garages..." Her voice trailed off. "Dad says I don't have to train with Mike or Darryl yet. He won't really tell me why."

He's tried, but Casey doesn't quite understand. Maybe I could explain it better. "Casey, your dad talked to you about top secret stuff, right?"

"Right." Casey shuffled her wheels. "I know I have time to learn about it, and it's stuff I can't tell anyone." She glanced around the lot.

"It's because we work for the government," CV said quietly. "We have to do things for them, that have nothing to do with government housing. Things society wouldn't understand, and can't know about."

"Why not?" Casey whispered.

I wish I knew. "It would shock them," CV replied. "It would change the world. They'd want what we have, and that's much too dangerous. Society as we know it would crumple." I'm just repeating what's been ingrained into me.

"Oh." Casey sighed. "It's not as scary as it sounds, right?"

"You'll get used to it," CV explained. "Then, it won't seem so scary anymore." And if Robert were here, he'd probably remind her that Cassie and Thor are outsiders, who can't know anything she knows. CV didn't feel the need to keep telling her. Casey understood that. She was safe. And Cassie and Thor would be going to dealerships soon enough, when they were ready. Robert was so eager to send Cassie off, though. Is it that he doesn't trust Casey?

"So, what am I doing on Friday, before the meeting?" Casey asked. "There are no more positions left to train in, right?"

"Right," CV replied. "You'll go over everything you've learned, and prepare yourself for the meeting. You'll be reciting an oath, and everyone will welcome you as one of us."

"Is that it? Then I can learn all the secrets?" Her headlights glinted.

She's anticipating it. "Not quite. You're learning everything very slowly. That's how it is." Even slower than usual, since Robert is so worried about her sharing something with Cassie or Thor.

"I guess that'll make it easier for me, right?"

"Right, my love. Try not to worry too much. You're too young for worrying." Is there anything else I should tell her? CV wondered if Robert had already told her that dating within the fleet was best. I doubt he would. He probably just wants her to focus on her work. He doesn't want her dating anyone yet. CV decided to at least warn her. They would warn anyone else; CV didn't want to make exceptions simply because Casey was her daughter.

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