Chapter 16

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"Casey." Her dad was staring at her intently. "Let's go for a little drive."

"Okay." It was a Sunday, so her dad had time. She turned to Thor and Cassie. "Coming?"

"No," said Robert quickly. "Just you for now. Sorry." He shifted his wheels, glancing at the other two.

Oh. Oh no. I see what this is all about. Suddenly, she felt as if something was squirming around inside of her fuel tank, threatening to spill all the gasoline that was inside. This is it. He's going to tell me I have to start my training soon. My childhood is officially over. My friendship with Cassie, my own sister, is officially over, and I might as well forget about Thor. I'll be too busy, and important for him.

"Come on," her dad prompted.

She followed him out, trying to ignore Cassie's gaze boring into her. It'll be fine. Everything will be fine. It has to! "W-what are we gonna talk about, Dad?" she asked once they were in front of the garages.

"Loyalty," he replied slowly.

Loyalty? Have I done something disloyal? "Am I in trouble?"

"No, not at all." He chuckled softly, rolling around the loop that circled the property. "It's just that, if I want you to belong to my fleet, you need to be loyal to the fleet, and to me, not as your father, but as your boss."

Huh? Suddenly things were becoming much too complicated, much too soon. But just yesterday I was still a kid! Nothing's changed. Her four small pistons were thudding hard beneath her hood.

"Don't be scared." Her dad's tone was soft. "There's a lot you don't understand yet, and I won't lie to you and tell you it's going to be easy. But, I can tell you it's going to be worth it, and you can handle it. I know you can."

"I-I really don't understand," she sputtered. He's not talking to me like he's my dad anymore, and I'm his daughter. He's talking to me like he's my boss, and I'm grown up!

"You won't understand just yet. What I need you to know before we get into this is that there are things you can't tell anyone who doesn't work here. Things that would be dangerous to discuss to any outsiders."

"B-but why?" I don't want to do this if it's dangerous!

"I can't tell you yet, Casey," her dad said calmly. She had a feeling he was more anxious than he appeared. "But I needed to warn you beforehand. When you start working for me, there are things you can't tell anyone, not even Cassie. Especially not Cassie. When you're working here, and she isn't, she's considered an outsider."

My own sister? An "outsider?" This was getting worse and worse! "I don't know if I can do this, then."

"You're still young. It's something you'll grow up to get used to. And I won't be training you until July, when you're eight months old."

"But that's only a few weeks away!" Then what? Then all my happiness, my innocence, my friendship with Cassie, is gone? Her fuel tank felt like it wanted to leap out of her.

"Casey, calm down. Once Cassie is gone, off to the dealership, you'll feel more at ease. It's just that I worry a lot about you sharing things with her, that she can't know, being an outsider. In fact, you can't tell her or Thor anything about this conversation. You hear me?" He slowed to a stop.

Casey caught up, stopping nervously by his side. "I understand," she mumbled. "I don't understand why, though. I-I mean, I'm not saying I'll tell, but-"

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