Chapter 11

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Who should I take with me today? Robert glanced around at his fleet, all scattered throughout the parking lot behind the garages. It was a Saturday afternoon, and he had told himself he'd go to the academy to see Michael's brother today. I promised Michael I would, as well. The young truck had been staring holes through his hood the entire day. Should I take him with me? He knew Darryl would want to come, and he really should bring George. It had been awhile since he'd spent any time with his old friend.

"Thinking about my replacement?" Darryl's voice took him by surprise.

"Uhh... yeah," Robert mumbled. "Sorry."

"Don't be. I'm not going anywhere yet. I still have to train the kid, remember?"

"Right. Mike says he'll be ready to leave that place any day now. You'd like to come with me to meet him, right?"

"Yes, definitely." Darryl stared him over. "You're doing the right thing, Robert. Choosing vehicles for the fleet is always better than picking the ones who come to you."

"Hey, John's all right. CV is my second-in-command, and she's excelling. I haven't heard you say anything to her yet."

Darryl bounced his springs. "She's okay, I guess."

I won't let myself get mad at him. In a few months, he'll be gone for good. I wouldn't want to say anything I'll regret. "I plan on visiting the academy in just a few minutes," Robert explained. "You can come with me, and I'll ask CV, since she's my second-in-command. If she wants to stay back, I'll just take George."

Darryl flicked his gaze around the parking lot before finally seeming to rest it on George. Kimberly was as close as could be to him, as usual, while Thor and the twins chattered away nearby. CV was on George's other side.

Will I one day be staring at a fleet full of trucks only I have chosen? How old he would have to be for that to happen! Robert glanced in the other direction, where the Van family huddled close together. Lucille was by Edward's side, as she often was on weekends. But no sign of Oliver. Robert couldn't help but feel pity for Rose.

Finally, there were John and Michael, who always sat close. Michael's bonded more with my brother than I have, it seems. There was simply no time for much lately. If Robert wasn't making orders, or trying to manage his fleet as best he could, he was keeping a close watch on his girls, or trying to solve all their problems. At least the girls finally seem to be getting along again. And managing the fleet has gotten easier now with a second-in-command. He'd ask her to accompany him and Darryl today.

"I'll be back." He thumped Darryl before rolling over to CV, aware of Michael's headlights fixed on him.

"Hi Robert." CV's headlights glowed.

"CV." He parked beside her. "Did you want to accompany me today? We're gonna go meet our possible future Security Officer."

"Oh, uh..." She shuffled her tires, glancing at Casey and Cassie.

"I hear Mike's little brother is coming here with us," snorted Cassie. "Is that true?" She looked at Robert.

"Maybe," he replied. "You don't seem too happy with that."

"She thinks he'll be as annoying as Mike," giggled Casey softly.

"Oh." Robert chuckled. "Once you're a little older I think you'll stop finding males so annoying." He let his girls loose themselves in their laughter, turning to CV. "So, what do you think? I'm already having Darryl come along. It would be nice to have my second-in-command with me as well."

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