Chapter 25

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"Robert wanted me to assess you... to see how your training's going." CV met Bryan's gaze.

He twitched his wheels on the cool concrete floor of the security building. "He did?"

"Yes. Between you and me, I think maybe he's just trying to give me something to do, but it keeps me entertained."

"No, it seemed perfectly reasonable." He paused. "I can tell you what I know so far."

"Sure." She moved closer to him, glancing at all the screens on the wall. All our TS Zones really are monitored closely.

"I've learned how to work all the computer stuff," Bryan told her. "It's actually really easy, once you get the hang of it. And the rules... we're still going over those, but I think I have everything down. I know we don't mess around with government secrets."

That's right. Even if our own child leaks one. Her filler neck twisted at the thought of Casey. Were her and Robert putting her in unnecessary danger by having her work here?

"And I know exactly what's done to someone who does mess around with government secrets." He bounced on his wheels, as if the idea of it were thrilling. "I've seen the dog food chamber – Darryl showed me recently."

"After only two months?" CV asked.

"Is that unusual?"

"Well, the non government trained have to wait two years. But I guess, since you're getting a security position, you're going to need it."

"You know, it helps with studying them too. Having the barrunges in that pit, rather than the indoor enclosures, allows a closer look at what they may live like in the wild. Darryl taught me all that. So, it's not there just for the reason you think."

I never specialized in top secret stuff. "Oh. So, it seems you're learning a lot, then."

"More about dogs than I ever thought I'd learn," he admitted. "I thought I had it all down, I thought I was so smart, leaving that academy, but it's nothing compared to the real thing. You learn so much more seeing it firsthand. And Darryl's an excellent mentor, might I add."

"Where is he, anyways?" CV glanced around. "Usually he's not one to leave this place."

"I'm holding down the fort for him while he assists Mike with an experiment." Bryan paused. "Hey, when do you think Casey can start seeing the inside of the TS Zones? She got to see the outside last week, and she seemed really curious. She's eager to start learning."

"Oh, uh... soon." Once we send Cassie off. And George and Kimberly send Thor off. Robert's rules.

"She'd like if you gave her a date," said Bryan. "And, are you seeing these floors? Rose and Kimberly just can't keep up. They have more important stuff to do than cleaning. That's Casey's job. She's great at it, might I add."

"I-I know she is. But waiting won't hurt her."

"Is her position lower than that of an Equipment Officer? I dare ask, because-"

"There is no hierarchy," CV replied quickly. And I already have had to explain this to Michael. "Everyone's jobs are equally as important, in their own ways."

"Really? Because Mike said-"

"Don't worry about what Mike says. He's not fleet manager." Now, I'm here for something specific, and I wouldn't want to get sidetracked. "Are you able to tell me any more about your progress?"

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