Chapter 23

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"So, Cassie, I need you to tell me everything that happened last night." Robert made sure to keep his tone calm. He needed his daughter to know he wasn't mad at her; that it wasn't even her fault. I'm mad at Michael for not noticing that she was following him, and I'm terrified for her safety, but I'm not mad at her.

"Am I in trouble?" Cassie asked, shifting her wheels on the pavement. "Like, huge trouble?"

Robert glanced around the desolate gas station parking lot. He had taken her here to be alone. "You're not in trouble," he said finally, fixing his gaze on her. "And, even if you were, it wouldn't matter, because I love you, and I'd never let anything happen to you."

Satisfaction glimmered in her gaze, but it was gone instantly when she noticed he was looking. "I... I only followed Mike because I was bored, and I wanted to talk to him."

"There's no harm in that. But, how did you follow him for that long, without him noticing?"

"I don't know." Her expression went blank. "There was a... car, or two, between us on the road. So there were different noises, and scents everywhere."

"Right." I guess that makes sense. "And then what happened?"

"Then, he took off onto a dirt path in the woods." Cassie shifted her wheels. "I followed him for just a few seconds, or minutes, maybe. He turned around and noticed me pretty quickly."

I wonder if his story will align with hers. Robert hadn't questioned Michael yet. The truck had tried explaining himself when Casey first told Robert that Cassie was pretending to be her. Robert hadn't listened to Michael's explanations, though. He wanted to question both of them alone, one at a time.

"And he thought I was Casey," Cassie continued. "So, I panicked and let him believe it."

"How deep into the woods were you?" Robert asked. I think she's fine. As long as she hasn't seen the building, or the dogs... she wouldn't have made it past the gate, anyways.

"I don't know. There was still... lots more path in front of us, if that's what you mean. He made me turn around, and I did. That was it." She paused, and her springs stiffened. "Then, he went and talked to Casey, who, of course, had to tell on me. I can't believe she'd do that!" Real hurt flickered in Cassie's gaze.

"She was doing the right thing," Robert explained. "She's loyal to the fleet now."

"More loyal than she is to me?" Cassie's voice broke.

"That's how it has to be." Robert couldn't look at her. There's only so much I can reveal.

"Can't you hire me, too?" she whimpered. "It's not too late! I'm still here."

"There are no other positions available right now. I'm sorry."

"You're fleet manager!" she cried. "You could open up a position. You can do whatever you want, but you won't!" Tears were leaking from her headlights now. "I'm going home. Or, whatever you wanna call that awful place where I live."

"Sorry," he breathed as she sped away. "Sorry, sorry." I'm not good enough. Could he speak to the human officials, about having another fleet truck? It had been hard enough to convince them with Casey. It's no use. Cassie will find owners elsewhere, and, eventually, she'll forgive me. It's the waiting that's going to hurt.

Robert turned and headed out of the small gas station parking lot. He needed to get to Zone 2 and question Michael now. And he's going to be more difficult. He's harder to have pity for.

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