3000 sequins

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A girl from school confessed her love for Menul.

You know what's funny . Menul barely knew that girl.

Of course Menul was famous for his looks and because  he was a football player in the school team.

It started as any other monday moring. Still there was time to start the morning assembly.
Me, Menul and Sonu were munching some peanuts sitting on the brick wall.
We were plotting to escape the morning assembly.

"Sonu, can you faint in the assembly and we can take you away to the infirmary ??"

" Are you crazy? Teacher will ask two girls to carry me away. Not some suspicious two boys"

"ok then..let's.."

Menul couldn't finish the sentence , A girl appeared.

I have seen her before , in my drawing class.
She was pretty , you could say.

" Hi Menul, can I speak to you please ". 
She sounded like having a breathing difficulty. Agitated . Fingers slightly trembling .

" Hi, of course . ". Menul stand up , rubbing his peanut eating hands on his back of his white pants.
Sonu shaked her head in utter disbelief .

" I.. I have a l.. little present for you , a ..a..wall hanger "

" Eh.. Well thank you , ? A wall hanger?"

" yeah . A wall decoration . ..picture  .. Handmade .... I made it my self. ...Three thousand sequins .."

She was speaking and wheezing at the same time. Her face was turned into a ripe tomatoe.. Droplets of sweat visible on her forehead .
Any other occasion , I would feel sorry for tbis girl . But now I was  just dumbfounded .

" And.. and tbere's a card too . P..Please..  read it and and.. tell me what you think "
Then off she ran away .

We three were silent in shock for few seconds, then Sonu came to her senses first and tore off the giftwrap.

Yes, It was a wall hanger. A picture of Menul , made of many ..many.. many sequins . She said 3000 sequins . In the picture his face was not clear enough , but his football jersy with number 23 indicated that it was him.
How many hours and days  this bitch could have wasted to make this??

 How many hours and days  this bitch could have wasted to make this??

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And there was a card.  It said
" Dear, Menul
You are always in my heart ..
Can you give me a little chance
To be in your heart"
Pamudi. "

I felt nauseated .

" Oh.. God what should  i do"
Menul looked at us, his face all red and clueless.. ..
" this girl Pamudi, she's saying she likes me, right ?"

And at that moment reality hits me..
I felt a shrinking pain in my chest.
Like my heart is crushed into a bloody puddle by a heavy crusher machine .

" what can I do? What can I do?"  He sounded nervous .

" calm down, calm down, do you like her too? "
It was Sonu.

" I don't know . But It's the first time someone did something like this for me".

" yes, but do you like her??"

"She must have worked really hard for this. Works like this takes so much time right?"

" well, it must have, so do you like this girl ?"

" How can you refuse when someone does such a nice gesture to you ?" he sounds hopless .. " I feel really sorry for her"

Menul, Menul.. What is going to happen ?? Are you going to accept her love?
Am I going to loose you forever ??
Please please .. Menul please don't go away from me..
Do not belong to someone else .
I' m weeping inside .. Feeling numb and ice cold all over .

I couldn't open my mouth .
It was Sonu doing all the talking .

" Menul , listen you brick head, if tomorrow , some girl gifts you a picture made of ten thousand sequins , what you're gonna do?? Accept her because she must have worked harder than this girl??"

Menul shots her a glance. A sharp one.

" whats your point ?"

" my point is dumbhead, you can't love someone because she gifted you a nice thing . Or because you feel sorry for her. You accept someone's love only if you also like her back that way.
So do you like this Pamudi girl ??"

I wanted to hug Sonu and sob.

Menul was deep in thought for few minutes .

In that few minutes , everything around me became still. All the noises faded away. I could only hear my own heartbeat , like a clock ticking .

Finally he spoke .

" you are right . She is not my type . I will apologize and nicely explain to her"
Menul finally said ..

The world around me started to move agat.
The crushing machine released its pressure on  my heart, so it can work again now. But the traces of pain are still there.

" thank you Sonu." Menul smiles.
" when i choose someone , i want to make sure that's a someone i love with all my heart "

He said looking at both of us.

Why did I feel like his eyes lingers little bit longer on mine??
My eyes were gleaming with unshed tears.  His gentle look lingering on me.. ,made  my heart flutter like crazy ..

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