Beads and threads

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That day Sonu and the other two girls had already started making jewellery  when I reached her place with Menul.

Beads , threads, scissors, needles were spread on the table

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Beads , threads, scissors, needles were spread on the table. Sonu was talking this DYI jewelry making very seriously and didn't let us idle , making me immediately regret my life decisions.

I was sitting between an enthusiastic Sonu and a whinny Menul.
Man, this work is so goddamn boring. So boring that it was nearly killing me.  It needed a lot of delicacy and I was already loosing my patience.

Menul was whining from the beginning.
But I thought to hold on and stay over today.
Vinura, can you see my selfless sacrifice for you??

Vinura was there at home too.
But He was on his full big brother mode today. Never joining us on the table, but minding his own business. And time to time graced us with his presence in the living room.  Every time he came down to the living room, apart from my eyes, two other pairs of eyes were following him to my annoyance.
The two girls' admiring look when they set their eyes on him, and their whispering " your brother is so hot" to a proud Sonu couldn't escape my eyes or ears.

" Hey, do you want to join us to make these beautiful bracelets? "
I asked Vinura.
He looked at the messy table.

" Oh, I would love to help" he said making everyone's face lighting up .
Then he gave his trademark smirk and added
" But I don't want to.."
and he left to upstairs.

During evening tea break, I went to see Vinura. He was sitting on a garden bench reading a book.

"Hi"  I sat down next him

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"Hi" I sat down next him.

" I never knew you liked that kind of stuff. Making jewellery  " he said teasingly.

" I was just helping a friend "

" I see" he laughed a little.

" So, almost half of the vacation is over right?" It was me.

" hmm.. "

" Do you want to hangout a bit? Probably go to that street food place at least? " 
No time to beat around the bush. I asked directly.

" yeah. Sure"

" How about tomorrow? Probably we can go to beach?"

He heaved a sigh. What's that expression on his face,

" Let's see. I'll let you know Shane " he ruffled my hair " let's go inside now " he was already getting up from the bench.

Yes. Something was definitely off. In his previous visits he couldn't wait to hang out with me. He always took the initiative . I secretly consider them as unofficial dates too. I was sure he loved spending time with me as much as I did with him. Why this sudden change?
Whatever it was, it was really hurting me..

To our great relief Sonu decided to stop her jewelry making project before dinner.
Other two girls didn't stay over and already left after the dinner.
The day wasn't going the way I wanted it to be.  Since evening I couldn't even talk to Vinura alone.
He joined us with dinner , so did Sonu's parents and grandma.  After the dinner he joined the chat with three of us..
I walked towards the porch pretending to catch some fresh air. I thought he would follow me too, as he did on his previous visits. 
But today, he didn't.
" Dirty work's over. Let's start movie marathon. Sonu , where's food?'' Menul was searching for a good movie.

Sonu was laying various kinds of chips and popcorn on the coffee table.
Vinura yawned . " I'm going to sleep guys . Good night ". He looked at me. I was sulking at him , so I just pretended not to hear it.
So this was it. End of the most futile day which I had to make women's jewellery.

" good night ayya". Sonu kissed him on the cheeks . He smiled little shyly and patted her head with a very tender look on his face., before he left.

Movies or food couldn't make up my mood .
" Is he avoiding me? " that question was popping up in my mind . But why? What is the reason ?

Sonu brought the last item from the kitchen , in an extra large bowl.
" look what I brought Shane , It doesn't go with others . But it's your favorite " She said .

" Wow . Thanks Sonu ."
Its a bowl filled with bright red , honey like sweet , juicy Rambutan .. Yeah my favorite .

Past midnight , someone woke me up

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Past midnight , someone woke me up. It was Vinura . I had dosed off while watching movies. Sonu was nowhere to be seen , probably already gone to bed. Menul was also sleeping on the other sofa with a packet of chips in his hands.
Then Vinura woke up Menul too.
" you have fallen asleep . Go to your rooms". He said. Sonu's mother had allocated me and Menul two separate rooms in their enormous house.

I got up like a drowsy zombie and tried to go to my room , not without the bowl of rambutan that was on my lap.

" Shane, why do you take rambutan to your bedroom . ? Keep them here . You can eat tomorrow"

" Its ok Vinu. Good night ". I said in a dozy voice grabbing the bowl tight .

" Shane, listen to me. You are so sleepy. Keep it here". His voice was stern.

This guy avoided me the whole day. The half asleep me found it irritating .

" I'll tell you what Vinura . You mind your own business ".
I went to the bed and started eating some rambutan before falling asleep again .

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